“Experts” Explain Why China has to Use a Balloon Instead of a Satellite

The obvious question that even gay retards were asking when the media claimed that the balloon was a “spy balloon” was: what can they see with that balloon that they can’t see with a modern satellite?

Fortunately, the experts have a stupid answer for the silly goyim.

New York Post:

Why would China use an old-fashioned balloon instead of a more sophisticated satellite to spy on a country in 2023?

That’s the question many are asking after a US jet shot down a massive Chinese spy craft on Saturday — after it had been sailing over sensitive military sites across America for several days.

Despite the balloon igniting a spying saga between Washington and Beijing, the use of the relatively rudimentary surveillance device isn’t new — or that unusual.

Oh really?

Old technology isn’t new?

You learn something new every day!

One of the main reasons a country would choose a high-altitude balloon over a satellite is cost, one expert told The Post on Monday.

Balloons are a lot cheaper! And you don’t need a rocket to get them up there,” said Blake Herzinger, a former Navy intelligence officer and current nonresident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.


The richest country in the world can’t afford spy satellites! They have to use balloons!

Of course, China already has dozens or hundreds of spy satellites in orbit, but… reasons!

“If a balloon gets popped, it’s less of a big deal than using anti-satellite weapons, which we typically frown upon.”

Spy balloons can also be harder to detect because they soar above the range of most planes.

Well, that’s obviously stupid. All modern satellites are equipped with cameras. What the Pentagon claimed is that the balloon was looking at the ground.

Frankly, most of that is already available on Google Maps, but China has quite definitely done their own imaging of the entire surface of the earth many times over with their satellites.

Anyone who believes these people is so stupid they are a threat to the society.

Some balloon surveillance devices can sail as high as 100,000 feet, which could render them untouchable to countries that may want to shoot them down.

“If that balloon had been at 80,000 feet, maybe an F-22 can’t reach it, as an example, and ground-based [surface-to-air missiles] couldn’t either,” he said.

“So you’re still in someone’s airspace, technically, you’re not in space, but you’re up pretty high.”

Yeah so a satellite would have been shot down by a space laser?

Shut up!

China already has spy satellites!

There is no explanation for this bullshit!

It was a weather balloon!


Stop trying to jerk me off, faggots!

Spy balloons also could be considered more useful than a satellite because the devices are more maneuverable and have greater ability to hover over a site or target.

“They offer flexibility of payload, maneuverability and loitering time on station, too — as the Chinese apparently showed off with theirs over the US,” Herzinger said.

How long do they need to hover to take a photo???

The government said that the balloon was taking photos!

This is retarded!

Fatmericans are pathetic!