Explosion in Israeli Cargo Ship Following Tensions Between US and Iran

We don’t have any details yet, but when I see “Israel Iran Explosion” in a headline, I think “false flag.”


An explosion struck an Israeli-owned cargo ship sailing out of the Middle East on Friday, an unexplained blast renewing concerns about ship security in the region amid escalating tensions between the U.S. and Iran.

The crew and vessel were safe, according to the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations, which is run by the British navy. The explosion in the Gulf of Oman forced the vessel to head to the nearest port.

The incident recalled the summer of 2019, when the same site saw a series of suspected attacks that the U.S. Navy blamed on Iran, which Tehran denied. Meanwhile, as President Joe Biden tries to revive nuclear negotiations with Iran, he ordered overnight airstrikes on facilities in Syria belonging to a powerful Iranian-backed Iraqi armed group.

Dryad Global, a maritime intelligence firm, identified the stricken vessel as the MV Helios Ray, a Bahamian-flagged roll-on, roll-off vehicle cargo ship. Another private security official, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, similarly identified the ship as the Helios Ray.

Satellite-tracking data from website MarineTraffic.com showed the Helios Ray had been nearly entering the Arabian Sea around 0600 GMT Friday before it suddenly turned around and began heading back toward the Strait of Hormuz. It was coming from Dammam, Saudi Arabia, and still listed Singapore as its destination on its tracker.

Israel’s Channel 13, in an unsourced report, said the assessment in Israel is that Iran was behind the blast. Israeli officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The Iranian government did not comment on the blast Friday.

The blast comes as Tehran increasingly breaches its 2015 nuclear accord with world powers to create leverage over Washington.

The reason that Iran is “breaching the accord” is that the United State unilaterally abolished it. Why Donald Trump was able to do that is unclear, but the answer appears to be “because Jews allowed him to.”

It is bizarre to have the AP use this kind of aggressive neoconservative language.

We have also complained about the language the Iranians use, and their entire “by Allah I will show you my shoe” global persona. But the Associated Press bills itself as a global impartial news outlet, something the Iranian government does not bill itself as.

If they’re going to write so dishonestly, then how is anyone supposed to expect them to report the facts fairly?

At this point, there is really no way to know what is going on with anything. Up until relatively recently, we knew that the media would spin things, but now the spin is so extreme that it is spinning basic facts.

Joe Biden bombed Syria this week. So we can guess things are about to get hot, hot, hot. They could potentially do something big with this boat explosion, like the moron Mike Pompeo tried to do with his idiotic Japanese boat hoax.

Iran could actually be doing bombings, and it wouldn’t make any difference. The thing is perceived the same, because there are no facts.

With the Pompeo thing, the Japanese themselves called him a liar, but outside of that, the media is so complicit that whether or not something happened is entirely based on the perception of whether or not it happened.