Fake News is Going Crazy, Crazy on You: Tuesday Edition

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 1, 2017

Two fake news pieces, neither of which is really worth its own article.


The New York Times (and all other media) is hailing the failure of the Obamacare repeal as a Democrat victory.

It is a Democrat victory, sure. But making that the core talking point is a hoax by omission.

This was a John McCain sabotage, period. McCain and his brain tumor got together and plotted to give America one last kick in the teeth on their way down.

He cast the deciding vote in a surprise attack on America, and that was a shocking move that the media isn’t even bothering to analyze in a way that is even a little bit interesting, instead acting as though the Democrats accomplished something. They didn’t accomplish anything, and they should, by rights, have zero power at all in either houses of congress. GOP traitors are giving them power.

The reason they are going to “compromise” on taxes is that they really don’t care that much, and their votes don’t really matter either way. Even those two stupid bitches and the tumor won’t be able to openly sabotage tax reform. Obamacare, there was enough nuance there – after Rand Paul’s little tantrum and the Ryancare debacle – that the bitches and the tumor were able to get away with this betrayal as if it was something other than “pissing in the face of America.”

But a straightforward series of tax cuts is something that Democrats know Trump is going to pass on his own, so they want to get in early saying they’ll “compromise” and then they can sell that as another victory – because Republicans are probably stupid enough to let them influence the bills even though they don’t need their votes.

WaPo Expands Investigation into Random 20 Minute Trump Jr. Meeting to Include More Nothingness

Just when I think I’ve gotten out… they pull me back in.

The Washington Post has hit yet another jackpot with the meaningless meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a random Russian lawyer.

Get this – he asked his dad what he should tell the media about the meeting.

Just try to imagine it.

A gigantic media storm is brewing surrounding a nonsense meeting, and this guy has the nerve to call up his father – who is also the President of the United States and his boss – and ask for advice on how to handle it.

According to anonymous sources. Which may or may not actually exist, and seeing as how they are anti-Trump if they do exist, have no incentive not to have made this up.


Even I am really a bit shocked that they are still milking this meeting.

I mean, I know losing “Putin did Wikileaks and maybe Trump told him to” as a talking point was a major blow for the media. But latching onto this meetings, which, even if it was exactly the all of the worst things they are saying it was is not only not illegal, but standard operating procedure for any political campaign, is just getting kinda sad.

If I were them, I would switch it up – hard and fast like.

Just throw out a narrative that is going to keep people’s attention.

  • Anonymous time-traveling source reveals that in a future where Russia lost World War 3 to Hillary Clinton, remaining Russians, led by Vladimir Putin’s brain in a jar and operating out of an underground base in Antarctica, sent back a genetically-engineered super soldier infant to the year 1946 to change history – that infant’s name was “Дональд Трамп”
  • Anonymous sorcerer reveals that an ancient race of shape-shifting lizard people from another dimension link Putin and Trump through satanic blood ritual
  • Anonymous DNA researcher reveals that Vladimir Putin is Donald Trump’s biological father
  • Anonymous former KGB agent reveals that secret Russian documents reveal that in 1986, Trump went to East Berlin to build a luxury hotel, and while there lost a bet on a horse race to shady bookie – that bookie turned out to be a young KGB agent named “Vladimir Putin”

Any of those would be believed and disbelieved by the same groups of people who presently believe or disbelieve the Wikileaks story or this Donald Trump Jr. Russian meeting thing would believe or disbelieve these stories along the same lines.

They could even go with this TYT Russian mafia story, which is only slightly more insane than those narratives I’ve volunteered.

Any of these things would be much less boring to the public, on both the left and the right.

I think I just simply cannot take another BREAKING STORY about Don Jr.’s 20 minute random meeting.

I will go full gook-gamer.

Which might not be the worst thing, I suppose. My spacebar has been sticking not totally infrequently and I really just need to go buy a Razor or some other $100+ keyboard. I type enough words to fill a 200 page book every day.

But wait, WaPo. I don’t need your help in getting the new keyboard. So please, don’t publish another one of these stories for my sake.