“Female Andrew Tate” Influencers Teaching Women How to Seduce and Manipulate Rich Men

I like the idea of women influencers teaching women how to suck men for as much as possible.

Having this in public really kills the notion that men are somehow “in charge” of sex and that it is somehow possible for men to “prey on women” or to “take sexual advantage of women.”

Every single sexual act (aside from violent street rape, insofar as that exists) is initiated by women. Any man who believes he initiated a sexual act with a woman is delusional and living in a kiddie type fantasy world.

All sex is initiated by women. Period. Outside of a strict system of arranged marriage and constant virginity checks, and a church that actually has authority in society, all relationships are designed by women and they are ended by women. All the terms are set by women.

If you live anywhere other than Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, or Iran, and you think you are in control of your woman, you are actually insane. You are living in a totally fake reality, like the one depicted in The Truman Show.

This is from an opinion piece by Kimberly McIntosh for The Guardian:

Over the past few months, a number of straight-talking, self-help gurus for women (often described half-jokingly in the comment section as “the female Andrew Tate”) have been blowing up on TikTok. SheraSeven (real name Leticia Padua) has been attracting a large audience of young women. Despite not even having a TikTok account herself, clips that have cross-pollinated from her YouTube have racked up almost 20bn views and counting. The phrase “sprinkle sprinkle”, which she uses to bookend her most sage advice, has now taken on a life of its own.


Shera advises women over the age of 25 to seek out and date older, affluent men and to actively play games to get them. This includes hiding your insecurities from potential partners and using reverse psychology to manipulate men, so you can imitate intimacy without the risk that comes with true vulnerability. For example, if you’re feeling jealous because a man you’re dating doesn’t pick up his phone, you should pretend you were calling for help with a flat tyre – but then had to get another man to step in. Once they’ve locked a man down, she argues, women should push for them to pay for all of their household bills and expenses. Men without money are “dusties” and not to be entertained.

But veering away from the stereotype of the 1950s housewife, and its modern iteration, the tradwife, SheraSeven doesn’t suggest women must take on domestic responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and child-rearing in exchange for financial support. A man of means can hire people to help with that. You are there to look beautiful and be worshipped. This is presumably what makes her gospel so attractive – so much so that other women have started documenting their own sprinkle sprinkle journeys, updating their audience as they follow Shera’s advice.

As extreme as it sounds, I can understand the popularity of Shera’s mantras among young women. I was recently signed off work by a GP for the ghastly triumvirate of low mood, burnout and exhaustion. The thought of a wealthy man coming over the horizon to save me from overwork and a dirty flat, however regressive that thought is, was more tempting than the long-term solutions I really needed: rest, therapy and, failing that, antidepressants.

Shera has been making YouTube videos for at least nine years. Her content very much mirrors the message of the pop-feminist influencer the Slumflower (real name Chidera Eggerue), who initially implored millennial women to fight patriarchy by indulging in “dump him feminism” via viral tweets and cute Instagram graphics that escalated into telling women to only date affluent men – and to take everything from them that they can.


SheraSeven describes herself as giving overridingly financial, rather than romantic, advice: in response to a comment from a woman who said she doesn’t want to date an older man even if he’s rich, SheraSeven retorts that she “couldn’t be standing up for eight hours all day at work punching the clock … pick a struggle”. In one clip, she tells the audience she will never start a YouTube channel to give people advice on “real relationships” that aren’t based on money, because all relationships are ultimately based on power.

You’ll notice the women in the photos are black.

That’s just because blacks are always ahead of the game on this stuff, because their family order and religious system collapsed a couple of decades before us, and because blacks are just generally more honest with themselves.

You also see that Snoop Dogg was saying in 1992 that “bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks,” long before the white PUA movement came along.

Now you have a series of YouTube shows run by black people telling stupid, mindless white kids a couple of facts about female behavior. I don’t agree with (mulatto) Andrew Tate on a lot of things, but on several basic points, he is just saying obvious facts about women.

See: Rising Number of Women Dying of Alcoholism After Stressing Out Over Historically Male Problems

Elvis Dunderhoff contributed to this report.