Former Israeli PM Says Zelensky Agreed to Not Join NATO in March of 2022

This Jew goes to Russia and says “please just don’t kill my sweet little baby Zelensky.”

It’s admirable the way Jews take care of each other like this.

The Guardian:

The former Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett has said in an interview that Vladimir Putin made him a promise he would not try to kill Volodymyr Zelenskiy, during a trip to Moscow shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine last year.

Speaking on a podcast with the Israeli journalist Hanoch Daum, published on Sunday, Bennett said he received assurance from Putin that the Ukrainian president’s life would be safe during a secretive visit to the Russian capital last March aimed at mediation during the war’s early days.

Yes, very interesting that Jew Israel would intervene on behalf of Jew Ukraine.

Israel was no doubt threatening to pull a bunch of money out of Russia. They ended up doing that and guess what? The Russian economy is a lot better off than the European one.

“I asked: ‘Are you planning to kill Zelenskiy?’ He said: ‘I won’t kill Zelenskiy.’ I then said to him: ‘I have to understand that you’re giving me your word that you won’t kill Zelenskiy.’ He said: ‘I’m not going to kill Zelenskiy.’”

Bennett said he then called Zelenskiy on his way to Moscow’s airport, who asked: “‘Are you sure?’ and I told him: ‘Yes, 100%, he won’t kill you.’”

Bennett’s comments come after claims to the BBC last week from the former British prime minister Boris Johnson, who said Putin had threatened him with a missile strike that would “only take a minute”. The Kremlin said Johnson was lying.

He was obviously lying.

Johnson is a bulbous little baby who does nothing but whine and promote viruses and Jews.

Also on Sunday, the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, told the Bild am Sonntag newspaper that Putin “has not made any threats against me or Germany” despite Scholz’s repeated and direct criticism of the invasion to the Russian leader.

According to Bennett, during his mediation efforts Zelenskiy agreed to give up the idea that Ukraine would join Nato, and Putin dropped a vow to seek Ukraine’s disarmament in order to end the war. “Everything I did was coordinated with the US, Germany and France,” he said.

That’s really burying the lede, no?

Colonel MacGregor has been saying this for ten months.

Zelensky wanted to end the war on Putin’s terms, and America went in and said “oh not so fast, you little dumpling – we’re doing war now for really serious.”

But it’s very interesting that Bennett is coming out and saying this now, and it certainly seems to be another piece in the image that is forming that the US is ready to back out of this.

That is: there are people in the US who want to back out of this.

Some of the Russian Jews are totally single-mindedly obsessed with killing Russians as revenge for things that happened (or didn’t happen) hundreds of years ago. But the wiser ones know that they shouldn’t be wasting war resources when they’ve got a China war coming up.

And of course, if China falls, Russia will fall as well. This is why it’s so retarded for people like Tucker Carlson to say “we should stop trying to hurt the Russians and instead attack the Chinese.” They are effectively the same entity at this point, geopolitically. It’s just that if Russia falls, China still exists. They will be isolated, sort of, but by the time Russia falls, they will have made serious inroads with the Arabs and the Third World. However, if China falls, the game is over. There will be no more resistance to ZOG.