France: Gynecologist Targeted by Activists for Refusing to Examine Tranny’s Gaping Wound

Here’s the situation: a “gynecologist” is a doctor of the female reproductive system. It’s not a doctor for “females,” even if you believe trannies are females. They are experts in the female reproductive system.

I don’t think even the most hardcore trannies are making the claim that cutting up a man’s penis, and using a piece of his colon to form a fake vagina, means he is in possession of a “female reproductive system.”

What is a gynecologist supposed to do if a tranny comes in with this mutilated penis? He didn’t study that in school (in fact, no one did). He doesn’t know how to deal with the problems of that situation, which is actually just an open wound kept from healing through “dilation,” which is when a tranny puts some kind of plastic balloon object into this wound to prevent it from sealing. The Mayo Clinic has a weird page about this process (that is for some reason written in the form of a dialogue) if you want to know more (the page does not have any gross photos).

This is not the job of a gynecologist. It would make more sense for the tranny to go back to the plastic surgeon that mutilated his penis for “care.” It’s just not reasonable to expect gynecologists to be able to deal with this.

And let’s be real: no one wants to look at this gaping wound between a man’s legs. It’s harrowing. I’ve seen the photos on several 4chan threads, which collected various discussions from reddit about the experiences of men who have had this surgery, and I will never get them out of my mind. I felt that in order to do my job here, I had to have some understanding of what these surgeries are, but seeing those images did permanent damage to my soul. I can’t even imagine seeing that mess in real life. It is worse than any David Cronenberg film, and it is actually real.

When you realize that these men have done this to their bodies on purpose, that does even more extreme damage to your soul. These are extremely mentally ill people, and the government/media is encouraging them to do this to their bodies, while knowing that it will eventually lead to suicide in probably every case. (I don’t think anyone argues that trannies are going to live to their 70s, so the suicide numbers are not really comprehensive, given that many of the trannies who will kill themselves haven’t done it yet. When you hear “30% of trannies commit suicide,” it really means “so far.” They are all going to eventually commit suicide.)


An pro-LGBTQ+ organization has called for an investigation over a French doctor who made headlines for reportedly refusing to see male patients who believe they are women, stating: “I only treat real women.”

According to a report from Euronews, French gynecologist Victor Acharian refused to treat a 26-year-old “transgender” patient who came in for an appointment “accompanied by her boyfriend.” After waiting for some time, Acharian’s secretary told the patient that the doctor would not see him.

“I told her that I’m not competent, but I can guide you. I can refer you to services that can take better care of you. But after I said that, things went south,” Acharian told Euronews. “I thought I was being honest when I said it wasn’t my speciality. I don’t know how to treat them [transgenders] and I don’t mind being called ignorant.”

Reportedly, the patient shouted: “You’re transphobic!” when he left the consulting room and berated Acharian’s secretary.

When the patient’s boyfriend left a review on Google about the experience, Acharian reportedly responded to the message claiming that he treated “real women” and said he has “no skills to treat men, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they have become women.”

“My gynecological examination table is not suitable for examining men,” he emphasized in his reponse.

Acharian told Euronews that the man was the first transgender patient he’s even seen at his practice, and even if a person has undergone so-called “sex reassignment surgery,” that “just because it’s a cavity doesn’t mean it’s a classic vagina.”

After the incident, an LGBTQ+ rights organization n France called “SOS Homophobie” called for its Minister of Equality to have the doctor investigated, according to Reduxx.

Perhaps he got aggressive in the language he used, but I can guarantee you, that tranny in his office was much more aggressive.

Of course, there is no reason he wouldn’t be aggressive. This is insane.

What is he supposed to do with this gaping wound? What is he expected to do? What is anyone supposed to do with it? The “do no harm” aspect of the Hippocratic Oath would mean that any doctor who sees this gaping wound has an obligation to sew it up and allow it to heal. Probably, some kind of catheter would need to be put in so the man is able to expel urine.

But that would obviously need to be done by a surgeon.

Presumably, trannies visit gynecologists as part of their fantasy. That is, they say “I’m a woman, so I need to go to a gynecologist for my vagina.” I guess the people supporting this are saying that these doctors have an obligation to embrace the delusions of the tranny and let him get on the examination table and look at the wound and say “okay, well, everything looks good. Your cervix looks very healthy.” They want them to engage in the mental illness through play-acting.

I guess that’s what they want. That’s the only thing I can really imagine as far as what is being demanded here.

The French aren’t doing the tranny stuff as hard as the Americans, but they’re still doing it