France: Macron Dissolves Parliament, Calls for Elections After Humiliating Defeat

So, Le Pen is going to take over?

Is this just going to be some kind of Zionist nightmare where immigration and war with Russia somehow doesn’t ever seem to stop?


President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France’s parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European elections Sunday.

The legislative elections will take place in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

The announcement came after the first projected results from France put the far-right National Rally party well ahead in the European Union’s parliamentary elections, handing a chastening loss to Macron’s pro-European centrists, according to French opinion poll institutes.

Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration, nationalist party was estimated to get around 31%-32% of the votes, a historic result more than double the share of Macron’s Renaissance party, which was projected to reach around 15%.

Macron himself wasn’t a candidate in the EU elections and his term as president still runs for three more years.

He said the decision was “serious” but showed his “confidence in our democracy, in letting the sovereign people have their say.”

A lot can happen in three years, and she might not end up winning the presidency.

They might do some kind of virus thing, or whatever.

But I think this election will make her prime minister?