More than 40 countries, including the United States, Japan and Europe’s biggest economies, signed an agreement on Tuesday aimed at raising hundreds of billions of dollars needed to rebuild war-battered Ukraine.
— New York Times World (@nytimesworld) July 5, 2022
Previously: Ukraine Asks Global Goyim for $750 Billion (3/4ths of $1 Trillion) to Solve Their Serious Problems
Vologodomor Zelensky, the brave and heroic president of the Ukraine who is so busy planning new strategies to fully surround Moscow that he literally doesn’t even have time to put on a shirt, recently found a spare second to call up the world and be like “holla at your boy.”
And that is when the hollaing began.

Holla Status: Hollaed.
More than 40 countries, including the United States, Japan and Europe’s biggest economies, signed an agreement on Tuesday aimed at raising hundreds of billions of dollars needed to rebuild war-battered Ukraine.
The accord, called the Lugano Declaration, after the lakeside Swiss town where it was hammered out, sets out principles for providing aid to Ukraine and for the country’s eventual reconstruction, as well as sweeping political changes Ukraine will need to make to curb pervasive graft.
Wait, what?
Pervasive graft?
Ukraine is the perfect democracy. It is the only democracy in Russia. The New York Times is spreading a pervasive anti-Semitic canard that Jews take over countries and then loot them.
Let us never forget that the Holocaust didn’t begin with a homicidal electric floor chamber operated by a mechanical bear built from parts of a decommissioned roller coaster: it began with people falsely claiming that Jews are dishonest people.
Is the New York Times planning another Holocaust?
We need to call Dinesh D’Souza immediately.
The Lugano Declaration is only “the first step of a long journey,” President Ignazio Cassis of Switzerland told a news conference.
With cities flattened and schools, hospitals, bridges and railways destroyed by Russian bombs, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal of Ukraine told participants that the cost for reconstruction already stood at more than $750 billion. But with Russian forces still pummeling eastern Ukraine, he added that the estimate was only provisional.
Yeah, it will be trillions of dollars.
The US will print it and send it.
It will stimulate the economy and help to reduce costs for the consumer at the pump.
Mr. Shmyhal argued the assets of Russian oligarchs seized by Western governments since Russia’s invasion should be used for Ukraine’s recovery. Those assets are thought to be work between $300 billion and $500 billion.
“The aggressor has to pay for the destruction,” he said. The prospect of Ukraine getting access to those assets or proceeds from their sale remained unclear.
During two days of talks, governments and international financial institutions also identified a range of actions to facilitate the flow of money to support Ukraine’s immediate and longer term needs. The European Union said it would create a “reconstruction platform” to help coordinate international funding for Ukraine. The World Bank and European multilateral financial institutions would also help.
This is really what democracy is all about.

This is what a billion dollars looks like:
So far, Ukraine has gotten nearly 100 of those loads from various countries (primarily America).
This is about what they’re going to be looking at in the next few months:
Zelensky is planning to load the pallets of cash onto catapults, douse them in gasoline, set them on fire, and heave them over the walls of the Kremlin. This is known as the “smoke ’em out strategy,” based on a scene in Death Wish III starring Charles Bronson.
The idea is that with all of that money burning and creating so much smoke in the Kremlin, Putin will be forced to run outside – at which point he will promptly be arrested by the Ukraine military and brought before a war crimes trial conducted by US Attorney General Merrick Garland.
A trillion or two trillion or thousand million billion trillion or however much it takes, it goes without saying that this is a tiny price to pay for something so important as saving the ideal democracy on earth from autocracy because of rules-based order global liberal democracy our values.