Glorious Leader Says He’d Leave the WTO!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 26, 2016


In an obvious nod to the Bernie people – and also a nod to basic common sense – Trump has floated the idea of exiting the World Trade Organization, pointing out that it doesn’t benefit America.

Wall Street Journal:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump threatened to pull the U.S. out of the World Trade Organization if membership in the global trade body interferes with his plan to impose penalties on companies that move American production offshore.

The bold warning came as Mr. Trump was discussing his plan to impose taxes or tariffs on U.S. companies that move manufacturing abroad in an interview Sunday with NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The interviewer, Chuck Todd, suggested such a policy could run afoul of the WTO, the Geneva-based trade club that includes most nations around the world and adjudicates trade disputes over agreed-upon tariffs and rules.

“It doesn’t matter,” Mr. Trump responded. “Then we’re going to renegotiate or we’re going to pull out. These trade deals are a disaster, Chuck. World Trade Organization is a disaster.”

But withdrawing from the WTO could void the deals the U.S. has on low tariffs with countries around the world, potentially exposing U.S. exports to steep levies from a host of trading partners.

The U.S. would also lose the leverage that comes with challenging other WTO members over breaking trade rules and winning compensation that can be significant, even if delayed.

I think you maybe don’t understand the word “protectionism.”