GOP Mocks Unhinged Former African Slave Master Obama on His Birthday

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 5, 2017

I guess Trump’s people, rather than your standard cucks, are running the GOP Twitter account.

Yesterday was the former slave-master Obama’s birthday, and they sent him message rubbing his own weaselly lies in his disgusting dirt-colored face.

While being in a chokehold on foreign policy and to some extent on immigration, Trump had done absolute magic in the economic sector.

In 7 months, he changed the entire face of the work market, and all signs point to it going nowhere other than up from here on in.

And soon enough, with shills like McMaster out of the way, he is going to be cleaning up foreign policy in the same magical way he cleaned up the economy.

Obama, instead of meddling in the business of human beings, you should move back to your home country of Kenya and do some “community organizing” there.

They need it a helluva lot more than we do.

I can tell you that.

Meanwhile, in Obama’s homeland of Kenya…

So how about it, Barack?

Why not head on home and help your own “people,” and just let humans do human things?