GOP Trying to Oust Madison Cawthorn for Saying GOP Does Coke and has Orgies

Earlier this week, Congressman Madison Cawthorn was on a podcast with John Lovell who asked him about the Netflix show House of Cards, which featured Kevin Spacey playing a crooked Congressman.

Cawthorn said that Republican Congresspeople in their 60s and 70s are constantly doing cocaine and inviting him to orgies.

Instead of just ignoring these comments, which I think would probably be the smart move if you were a GOP Congressman involved in cocaine and orgies, they’ve decided to attack him over it. He didn’t name any names or anything, so it would have been so easy for these people to just not comment and if asked say “haha, I don’t have any idea about that.”

Instead, Kevin McCarthy attacked him directly, threatening him.

As regards that second tweet, Roger Stone says he talked to Cawthorn and he has never walked back those comments.

Then, Cawthorn issued a statement not denying the comments, saying that orgies are used for blackmail in Washington – but then supported Kevin McCarthy.

I guess that’s “cutting it down the middle.”

Maybe Cawthorn is the best possible Congressman because he can’t have sex?

Thom Tillis got really mad about these comments.

He’s gone on to endorse a primary challenger to Cawthorn.

Someone who can participate in the orgies, rather than tattle on them.

Here’s Thom Tillis, by the way.

You can decide what you think the root of his outrage over someone mentioning cocaine blackmail orgies actually is.

Cawthorn was then invited to speak at a Trump rally.

Is Trump going to address this before he brings him on stage?

“Trust me folks, I’ve seen it, these people are doing cocaine like you couldn’t even imagine. Piles of cocaine. I saw this guy, a certain RINO whose name I won’t mention, he had this white powder all over his desk. I thought it was flour. I asked the Secret Service. I said what is that? They said ‘it’s cocaine, sir,’ I said ‘wow, that is a lot of cocaine.’ And the orgies? You don’t even want to hear about that. Do you want to hear about the orgies these people have? Because let me tell you, it is sick. These orgies they’re having are sick, folks. And when I say sick, I mean sick like you wouldn’t believe. These people are 70 years old, going to orgies. We got a few older folks in the audience here. Senior citizens. That’s the polite term. We love our senior citizens. Would you folks go to an orgy? No. No, I didn’t think so. It’s sick, folks. We can’t have it.”