Great Satan Preparing to Stage False Flag Chemical Attack in the Ukraine, Russia Warns

Andrew Anglin said long before the war started that the US would do false flags and all kinds of terrorism.

They have been doing that, but it’s been on a relatively small scale, aside from the bridge bombing terrorist attack. Most of the false flags are big in the media for a day or two, then when people start to ask questions, the media quickly moves on.


The US is preparing to stage false flag chemical attacks in Ukraine to pin the blame on Moscow for the use of banned toxic agents, the chief of Russia’s Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defense troops, Igor Kirillov, has said.

The Americans believe that the international community wouldn’t be able to organize an effective investigation of such “provocations” due to the fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces, which would allow Washington to escape responsibility, Kirillov said during a briefing on Tuesday.

They couldn’t even investigate it when the US blew up pipes in Scandinavia.

More accurately, the US wouldn’t investigate it and ordered their European subordinates not to investigate it.

Russia’s Defense Ministry has obtained information that a train with a cargo of chemical substances in one of its cars had apparently arrived in the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kramatorsk in Donbass on February 10, the commander said.

The 16 metal boxes with special markings that suggest they contained BZ (3-Quinuclidinyl benzilate) incapacitating agent as well as CS (chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile) and CR (dibenzoxazepine) harassing ‘riot-control’ agents, were accompanied by the “citizens of foreign nations,” he also alleged.

According to Kirillov, the chemicals were unloaded at a local metallurgical plant under the supervision of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) and put on US-supplied armored vehicles that later moved out towards a contact as part of a convoy.

Russia also established that eleven cars with specially marked shrapnel ammunition were unloaded in Kramatorsk on February 19, the commander said. The shells of this type had been previously upgraded in the US to be able to deliver harassing chemical substances, he added.

NATO has also planned a large delivery of means of chemical protection to Ukraine, including hundreds of antidotes for various toxic substances, Kirillov is also alleging.

The facts of simultaneous delivery of toxic chemicals and means of protection against them indicate an attempt to carry out large-scale provocations using the BZ military-grade psychoactive chemical agent during the conflict,” he said.

A lot of people say things like “both sides lie,” but the reality is, Russia has yet to be caught in any lies. There is literally not one lie Russia has been caught telling throughout the war. Maybe they are lying and just never getting caught, but it would be extraordinary if the US intelligence agencies were totally incapable of catching their lies, while the US is being constantly caught in various lies by randos on the internet.

Therefore, I see no reason to doubt them when they come out with information like this.

Related: Hersh Says America Blew the Pipes to Back Germany Into a Corner