Great Satan Pushes Gay Anal Into UN Security Council

Anal sex is a core value of satanism. Virtually any text you read relating to the “dark side” of the occult doctrine will promote anal sex as a way to bring forth demons. This is particularly true of gay anal sex.

Aleister Crowley, a top satanist who called himself “the Beast 666” promoted gay anal, along with Tucker Carlson-esque theories about space aliens.

Being a satanic cult, the Jews constantly try to force anal sex on everyone.

If one did not know better, one would think that the Jews are attempting to manifest demons on earth by promoting gay anal sex.


The US has called for an informal meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to discuss the integration of the human rights of LGBTQ and intersex individuals (also known as ‘LGBTI’) into the organization’s efforts to maintain “international peace and security.”

According to a concept note released by the United States Mission to the UN, the US, along with co-sponsors from Albania, Brazil, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Japan, Malta, Switzerland, and the UK, intend to hold the meeting next week on Monday, March 20. The talks will also be joined by the LGBTI Core Group to “consider how to better integrate consideration of the human rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex persons into the UNSC’s work.”

Washington is calling on Security Council members to propose ways that the international body can “ensure better protection of LGBTI rights in situations of conflict” and “incorporate LGBTI perspectives in peacekeeping/peacebuilding.”

The gay agenda is totally out of control.

Everything, everywhere, all the time, is about gay anal sex.

Jews have even made heterosexuals obsessed with anal sex through their porn, which is designed to make people gay and/or tranny.

We have to bring back Christian values.

The Bible says homosexuals must be executed.