HAPPENING: Trump Picks Non-Jew Non-Political Lawyer Christopher Wray for Head of the FBI

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 7, 2017

If the insane fucking Saudis didn’t just start WWIII (probably), this would definitely be the biggest happening of… the last 12 or so hours.

We are really entering a level of reality-intensity that is mind-boggling.

Speaking of realities, did you know that bitch that leaked the alleged Russia dox is named “Reality Winner”?

Why would someone be named that?

Seriously, tell me.


Wait wait sorry – back to the point here: Christopher Wray is non-Jew, non-political, and I believe actually protestant.

He sure as hell looks like a protestant.

His Wikipedia page contains virtually no information, other than that he’s a lawyer who has worked for the government – the Department of Justice as Assistant Directer under G.W. Bush – BUT MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY – he was Chris Christie’s personal lawyer during the Bridgegate scandal, meaning he is directly connected to Christie, who CRUCIFIED Kushner’s evil kike father, meaning he was picked against the will of Kushner, meaning he is on the side of good and also meaning Kushner is not calling the big shots right now.

Comey is testifying tomorrow.

During which time Trump may be live tweeting.

During which time Iran may be bombing Riyadh.

And probably people will be getting killed on the streets in Britain by random dudes. That happens about every 5 days now.

Comey is going to perjure himself. He doesn’t have any choice at this point. He has already perjured himself, so to not do it this time, he would be admitting to having done it the last time.

Trump has the dox.

That is what this is all about now – if Comey goes down, the whole conspiracy to fake a Russian conspiracy goes down with him.