I Can’t Even.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 2, 2016

iowa failed state

Up until like a week ago, I didn’t even know where “Iowa” was. I thought it was the same thing as Idaho. Not surprising. They don’t even have cities in this state. It’s like that movie the village.

It is a failed state.


I am so pissed off.

Ted Cruzmake america senile againmedia:e12d5d02ce7643c8abc351b62faf8986GOP2016Cruz

Judging by the pictures, most of the people who voted Ted Cruz are going to be dead before the election. Boomers wanting to give younger generations one last kick in the face before they die.

Boomer evangelicals: the worst human beings which have ever existed in the history of earth.

“We murdered America,” say they. “But let’s go ahead and piss on its shallow grave by voting for the illegal Cuban immigrant Goldman Sachs guy who spends 89% of his breath talking about abortion and Israel.”

“My son is addicted to heroin and my daughter is dating a Black guy – they will both be dead soon. But let me go out and make sure the last years of their lives are as horrible as they possibly can be by voting for Ted Cruz.”

Other Cruz supporters include fat, flaccid men.

ted cruz iowa cuck

“Donald Trump reminds me of the cool kids in high school who blazed 420 and got laid while I masturbated to hentai,” say they. “I’ll vote for the maniac with the face like a sharpened loaf of bread who wants to make America worse.”

This makes me sick. I am actually sick.

Ah well. Take heart. No one who wins in Iowa wins the nomination.

And the rest of the people in America aren’t as cuckolded as those in Iowa.