I’m Not Taking Sundays Off – Yet

I’ve written that I’ve toyed with the idea of taking Sundays off for personal and religious reasons.

Today, I got up way late and wrote one Japan article, then said “you know what. I’m gonna go out to eat, then go to the park, then play video games, and will just see what happens.” But then I started feeling bad (even though many have argued that working on Sunday is what I should feel bad about).

What I think I am going to do at some point is pre-prepare a nice long article earlier in the week and then post it on Sunday without doing the news.

But I’m just not ready for that yet.

Sunday is the day the fewest people read the site also, so that’s sort of justification as well.

I’m leaning towards it, but I’m not there yet.

Recently, I haven’t been living in a place where I could grill. So that’s a big factor in the decision-making process.