IMF Head Says AI to Affect 40% of Jobs Worldwide, Increase Inequality

I’ve looked at the data that they use to come up with these numbers such as “40% of jobs.” Sometimes they say 60%, or some other number. They just pull the numbers out of thin air.

But clearly, it’s going to remove a lot of jobs.

But so what?

The part that is actually insane and pretty much unbelievable is that they are saying this at the same time that they are justifying tens of millions of illiterate brown people flowing into America and Europe by saying they need them for the workforce.

The Guardian:

Artificial intelligence will affect 40% of jobs around the world and it is “crucial” that countries build social safety nets to mitigate the impact on vulnerable workers, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund.

AI, the term for computer systems that can perform tasks usually associated with human levels of intelligence, is poised to profoundly change the global economy with advanced economies at greater risk of disruption.

Analysis by the IMF, the international lender of last resort, says about 60% of jobs in advanced economies such as the US and UK are exposed to AI and half of these jobs may be negatively affected. But the technology will also help to enhance some humans’ productivity as AI improves their performance, it said.

According to the IMF, the safest highly exposed jobs are those with a “high complementarity” to AI, meaning the technology will assist their work rather than displace it entirely. This includes roles with a high degree of responsibility and interacting with people – such as surgeons, lawyers and judges.

Are the primitive, illiterate, 80 IQ brown people flooding the country taking jobs as surgeons, lawyers, and judges?

I haven’t seen the data on that.

High-exposure jobs with “low complementarity” – meaning the potential for being displaced by AI – include telemarketing, or cold-calling people to offer goods or services. Low-exposure occupations include dishwashers and performers, the IMF said.

Kristalina Georgieva, the IMF managing director, said AI’s ability to affect highly skilled jobs means that advanced economies face greater risks from the technology. She added that in extreme cases some jobs in major economies could disappear.

“Roughly half the exposed jobs may benefit from AI integration, enhancing productivity,” wrote Georgieva, in a blogpost accompanying the IMF research. “For the other half, AI applications may execute key tasks currently performed by humans, which could lower labour demand, leading to lower wages and reduced hiring. In the most extreme cases, some of these jobs may disappear.”

She added that in most scenarios AI would probably worsen overall inequality across the global economy and could stoke social tensions without political intervention. AI is expected to feature prominently as a topic of discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week, which top executives from the tech industry will attend.

It’s the most important technological revolution that has ever happened in history. Much bigger than the printing press or the steam engine.

But it cannot be regulated. Any attempts to regulate it are nonsensical. It’s here and it has to be confronted and managed. The first thing you would want to do is not have a bunch of worthless brown people in your country feeding off the welfare system while committing crimes.