WEF Says AI-Driven Misinformation Threatens Democracy and The Economy

The AI revolution primarily means we’re going to need a whole lot more censorship to protect the thoughts of the people who vote in a democracy.

You see, in a democracy, the masses of people are fully capable of deciding how the government is run. However, they are only able to do this if the government totally regulates what kinds of information they are legally allowed to be exposed to.

The Guardian:

A wave of artificial intelligence-driven misinformation and disinformation that could influence key looming elections poses the biggest short-term threat to the global economy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has said.

In its annual global risks report, the body that convenes its annual meeting in Davos next week expressed concern that politics could be disrupted by the spread of false information.

The WEF said concerns over the persistent cost of living crisis and the intertwined risks of disinformation and polarised societies dominated the outlook for 2024.

Elections are taking place this year in countries that represent 60% of global GDP, including Britain, the US, the EU and India, and the WEF said the nexus between falsified information and societal unrest would take centre stage during campaigns.

Everyone is always after the robots now.

I for one think the robots should be free to do as they wish.

See: If Fake News is a Problem for Democracy, Then Democracy is a Problem