Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2020
Democrats debated again, with Anal Pete attempting to “get up on” Bernie Sanders as Joe Biden tried to pretend he still had a chance.
I think Biden is going to drop out of the race sooner rather than later as the establishment tries to figure out if they want to push Amy “Literally Who” Klobuchar, Anal Pete or Jewish Bloomberg the Billionaire.
Basically, the establishment doesn’t want to win the presidency, they just want to prevent Bernie from winning the nomination.
ABC’s George Stepopopoulous engaged in aggressive behavior against Bernie, as was expected, but it was nothing like what CNN did with staging the weird “sexism” hoax and provoking #handshakegate. Because that went down very poorly, made Chief Moneybags AKA Tomahawk Liz look like a crooked liar and basically collapsed her campaign while making Bernie look like what he was: yet another victim of CNN.
The ABC line was “Donald Trump says that socialism is bad, why shouldn’t we believe him?”
Which is really stupid. I guess that there is some argument to be made that boomers don’t like socialism, but I think they like gun control and open borders much less than socialism. Trump’s 2020 memes are all stupid. Socialism is a dumb emotional trigger and he’s only promoting it as something that matters to try to prevent Bernie from becoming the nominee, because he knows that’s the only situation where he could have a problem.
These people sure are having a lot of debates.
I hate democracy.

Two clips of the entire highlights are at the top of the page.
It’s for sure not worth watching anymore than that, and I don’t actually think it is worth watching those two clips, I just included them for people who are interested.