Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 3, 2020
It’s Iowa day.
And Joe Biden is coming in HOT.
Joe Biden fumed at Today co-anchor Savannah Guthrie after she asked him about how a controversy related to his son Hunter Biden has influenced his presidential campaign.
On Monday morning, the show aired an interview between Guthrie, 48, and Biden, 77, where the two discussed President Trump’s impeachment. Guthrie noted that Trump’s Ukraine-related impeachment intensified scrutiny of Hunter Biden’s high-paying job on the board of a Ukrainian natural gas firm.
She claimed there was a “certain irony” about the impeachment that Trump had asked Ukraine for an investigation into the Bidens, but in the impeachment process, Republicans “ensured that everyone knows” about Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma while his father was leading diplomatic efforts in the region as vice president.
“That’s a good thing,” Joe Biden replied. “No one’s found anything wrong with his dealings in Ukraine except the said that it’s a bad image.”
Joe Biden said he agreed that the optics of his son’s role at Burisma were not good and acknowledged that his son made a similar statement. Guthrie followed up by asking if Joe Biden thought it was wrong for his son to accept the position with Burisma because the company wanted access to the Obama administration.
“That’s not true,” Joe Biden said. “You’re saying things you do not know what you’re talking about. No one said that. Who said that?”
Critics say Hunter Biden, 49, had no experience in the energy sector when he accepted the position at Burisma. He also had a well-documented struggle with drug abuse. Several Republicans have suggested that there was no reason for Burisma to hire Hunter Biden if it were not for his familial ties to the vice president, including Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, who highlighted Hunter Biden’s rocky past during the House impeachment proceedings.
Guthrie said there were plenty of people who felt it was “kind of sleazy” for Hunter Biden to accept the job and wondered why Burisma would hire him. Joe Biden responded, “Because he’s a very bright guy.”
Joe Biden added that his son should “speak for himself” about whether it was right to accept the job, adding, “He’s a grown man.”
Does not sound good, Joe.
He is a grown man but he’s also a crackhead, Joe.
We don’t want him on TV, Joe.
He looks like Ron Perlman, Joe.

At least one GOP Congressman is already planning to impeach Joe over his dirty deeds in the Ukraine.
Joe Biden sits near the top of most polls ahead of the first-in-the-nation Iowa caucuses, and his campaign is hoping for a win that could help propel Biden to the Democratic nomination and later the White House — but one Republican senator from the Hawkeye state is already talking about impeaching the former vice president if he gets there.
Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, told Bloomberg News on Sunday that Republicans could impeach Biden for his dealings in Ukraine, specifically his handling of foreign policy with the country as his son, Hunter, was on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings. Her comments come just before her constituents go to the polls Monday to cast the very first votes of the 2020 presidential election cycle.
“I think this door of impeachable whatever has been opened,” Ernst said in an interview, according to Bloomberg News. “Joe Biden should be very careful what he’s asking for because, you know, we can have a situation where if it should ever be President Biden, that immediately, people, right the day after he would be elected would be saying, ‘Well, we’re going to impeach him.'”
There is basically no chance that Joe would be in the position he is in now with all of this scrutiny over the Ukraine if the Democrats had not made this whole thing into a massive issue with the impeachment.
All the impeachment did by highlighting Trump’s attempt to have Biden investigated was highlight the fact that there was a reason that Trump wanted him investigated. You can say he didn’t actually do anything, but there were investigations into his son going on in the Ukraine and he did pressure the government into firing a prosecutor. He’s on tape admitting that he did that.
And now the prosecutor is trying to get him investigated for getting him fired.
This is all stuff that no one would be thinking about if it were not for this impeachment being shoved down America’s throat.
Iowa’s caucuses are happening now and we’ll know tonight how Joe did. If he loses to Bernie, as is predicted, then that blood is largely on the hands of the Democrats and their idiotic impeachment hoax.