Israel: Hundreds of Elite Reservists Join Anti-Government Protests to Protect Democracy

We all knew Bibi would come back after they finally forced him out.

However, there was a reason they forced him out: the standard Jews do not like the direction he is taking the country in.

From just a practical standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to be constantly threatening and attacking Moslems while surrounded by hundreds of millions of them.

The Jews are also upset about domestic issues, but all of Bibi’s domestic concerns are related to his war mission.


A group of Israelis describing themselves as reservists in elite military and intelligence units said they would not turn up for some duties from Sunday, escalating protests at the hard-right government’s planned judicial overhaul.

Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition, which wields a Knesset majority, say they want bills the would limit Supreme Court authorities written into law by April 2.

The plan has stirred concern for Israel’s democratic health at home and abroad. As ratification nears, demonstrations have spiralled, the shekel has slipped and fears have been voiced by national security veterans who usually shy from public exposure.

In a letter circulated to the Israeli media, 450 protesters describing themselves as volunteer reservists from military special forces and another 200 as volunteer reservist offensive cyber operators, including from the Mossad and Shin Bet intelligence agencies, said they were now refusing call-ups.

Reuters could not verify the signatories’ identities and the secrecy around the units they said they belong to also made it difficult to assess the protest’s potential impact.

“We have no contract with a dictator. We would be happy to volunteer when the democracy is safeguarded,” the letter said.

The military declined comment. Representatives for Mossad and Shin Bet did not immediately respond to queries by Reuters.

Netanyahu calls the judicial overhaul a restoration of balance between the branches of government. Critics see a gambit by the prime minister – who is under trial on corruption charges that he denies – to subordinate the courts to the executive.

These protests are massive, and it is quite telling that the Jew media in the West is barely even mentioning them.

Clearly, the Western Jew media is in deep with Bibi, despite the fact that Bibi is opposed to their ostensible social agenda, because the main purpose of Israel for Western Jews is to provoke Moslems.