Israel Now Demands Vaccination Passport to Enter Bars, Shopping Centers, Theaters

It’s difficult to believe that Israel is actually taking the same vaccine as everyone else.

But whatever they’re taking, they’re going nuts with it, and they’re creating the model for the future of the world, where you will use what they’ve apparently decided to call a “green passport” to go anywhere.

AP speaks of a concert where only vaccinated people were allowed in, which is now official policy everywhere in the country:

Still, the reanimating experience Monday night above a shopping mall north of Tel Aviv night was not accessible to everyone. Only people displaying a “green passport” that proved they had been vaccinated or had recovered from COVID-19 could get in.

The highly controlled concert offered a glimpse of a future that many are longing for after months of COVID-19 restrictions. Governments say getting vaccinated and having proper documentation will smooth the way to travel, entertainment and other social gatherings in a post-pandemic world.

But it also raises the prospect of further dividing the world along the lines of wealth and vaccine access, creating ethical and logistical issues that have alarmed decision-makers around the world.

Other governments are watching Israel churn through the world’s fastest vaccination program and grapple with the ethics of Using The Shots As Diplomatic Currency And Power.

This is a fake framing. This idea of “rich countries only get the vaccine.” Most so-called “poor countries” are not going along with this hoax at all, and thus are not concerned about a vaccine.

Inside Israel, green passports or badges obtained through an app is the coin of the realm. The country recently reached agreements with Greece and Cyprus to recognize each other’s green badges, and more such tourism-boosting accords are expected.

Anyone unwilling or unable to get the jabs that confer immunity will be “left behind,” said Health Minister Yuli Edelstein.

What does “left behind” mean?

Will they still be allowed to eat?

Of course in Israel, it is the religious that are refusing to take it. So they have their own networks already set up. But what about when the rest of the world starts passing these laws?

There is new pressure from the government to encourage vaccinations. Israeli lawmakers on Wednesday passed a law allowing the Health Ministry to disclose information on people who have yet to be vaccinated. Under the policy, names can be released to the ministries of education, labor, social affairs and social services, as well as local governments, “with the purpose of allowing these bodies to encourage people to get vaccinated.”

The government is appealing to the emotional longing for the company of others.

“With the Green Pass, doors just open for you. You could go out to restaurants, work out at the gym, see a show,” read an announcement on Feb. 21, the day much of the economy reopened after a six-week shutdown.

Then it raised a question at the center of the global quest to conquer the pandemic that has hobbled economies and killed nearly 2.5 Million People:

“How to get the pass? Go and get vaccinated right now.”

We can wonder as to whether or not the Israelis are taking the same vaccine as the rest of the world.

What we can’t wonder about is this video of Mark Zuckerberg saying he’s concerned about what the vaccine might do to his DNA.

Zuckerberg is a weird Jew in a lot of different ways, and I don’t really think he is as linked in to the whole Jewish machine as most of the top Jews. He’s married to a goy, and you don’t ever see him appearing at ADL events (in fact he is constantly targeted by the ADL), and he’s not out there talking about anti-Semitism all the time.

But he can’t be the only powerful Jew, or just Jew in general, who is sitting around thinking about the potential lunacy of modifying DNA to prevent getting a disease that doesn’t exist.

Clearly, Israel is going along with this whole program, they are locking people in their houses and doing all this other crazy stuff. They’re not just dipping out of the hoax, like many third world countries are opting to do, and which China has done.

But are they really getting this vaccine? The same mRNA vaccine we’re all supposed to be getting?

I have doubts.