Israeli Parliament Passes Law Allowing Ban of Foreign TV Stations

It seems as though the Jews are becoming concerned about what their own people think?

They’re now going full-Ukraine in terms of total information control.


The Israeli parliament has approved new legislation that will allow the banning of foreign television stations in certain circumstances.

According to the second and third final readings of the legislation, if the prime minister is convinced that a foreign TV channel is harmful to the country, the communications ministry can take action against it after receiving at least a safety opinion and majority government approval.

In this case, the communications minister can issue orders to close the channel’s offices in Israel, confiscate broadcasting equipment, prevent the channel from broadcasting its reports, remove the channel from cable and satellite companies, and block its website and media sites, among other things.

“We have put in place an effective and swift means of taking action against those who use freedom of the press to harm Israel’s security,” read a statement by Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi.

Shlomo Karhi, the most trusted smile in Israeli politics

Al Jazeera has harmed Israel’s security, actively participated in the Oct. 7 massacre, and incited against IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) soldiers. It is time to remove the Hamas hawk from our country. The Al Jazeera terror channel will no longer broadcast from Israel,” Benjamin Netanyahu wrote on social media after the law was passed.

The United States called the move a worrying step, with White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre expressing the government’s concern over the move.

“We believe in freedom of the press, and we consider it extremely important,” Jean-Pierre said, stressing that the U.S. position on this issue is the same for all media.

There is nothing in the world funnier than the US government claiming they care about freedom of speech.

The United States is arguably the single most censorious country that has ever existed in all of history.

Even in the USSR or whatever example of extreme censorship, you were allowed to criticize gays and black people. The list of things that the US bans discussion of is much longer than the list of any other country.

The Jews are already making plans to colonize Gaza after the slaughter is done