Israeli Spy Jared Kushner Reportedly Playing Role in Trump Administration’s Coronavirus Response

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
March 15, 2020

Donald Trump pictured with Israeli spy and alleged coronavirus expert Jared Kushner.

Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law and Israeli spy Jared Kushner is reportedly involved in the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus situation. That’s at least according to the Jewish media, which is detailing how the Jew Kushner was soliciting suggestions on how to handle the crisis.


A physician with family ties to senior White House adviser Jared Kushner said he solicited advice on Facebook for Kushner on how to deal with the coronavirus.

Kurt Kloss, whose daughter is married to Kushner’s brother, on Wednesday asked a group of fellow emergency room physicians on the social network for the advice on Kushner’s behalf, Politico reported.Friday.

“I have direct channel to person now in charge at White House,” Kloss wrote in his post.

Hundreds of doctors responded and Kloss explained that Kushner, who is President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, had asked him for recommendations, according to Politico. Kloss sent Kushner 12 recommendations Thursday morning, according to the article.

Trump appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead a task force to combat the spread of the coronavirus last month. But Kushner has taken a more active role as the virus continued to spread, two unnamed sources told Politico.

Trump has sent Kushner to deal with multiple sensitive issues, including Middle East politics, immigration and judicial reform, Politico noted.

In a post, Kloss said Kushner is “now directly involved in the response to this,” referring to COVID-19.

There are also reports describing how Kushner and the Jew Stephen Miller played a major role in Trump’s poorly received address to the nation when the 30-day travel ban on Europe was announced.

Business Insider:

Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and top adviser, and Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser, took the lead in writing President Donald Trump’s error-riddled address to the nation about the coronavirus outbreak.

The two aides, who have no public-health or medical expertise and haven’t been deeply involved in the administration’s coronavirus response, were making edits to the speech just minutes before Trump delivered it live on Wednesday night, The Washington Post reported.

And while Kushner hadn’t attended any meetings of the White House task force handling the response to the pandemic, many aides who were involved in the effort weren’t consulted or were ignored during the speechwriting process, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Top health experts in the Trump administration weren’t able to review a final draft of the speech, The Post reported.

The 10-minute speech was widely viewed as a disaster; Trump made at least six false or misleading statements, and Dow Jones industrial average futures fell as he spoke.

Trump’s speech definitely wasn’t received well at all. It felt like the 30-day European travel ban was too little, too late and that Trump was just doing something for the sake of doing something.

And sure, it is possible that these reports are just being put out to make Trump look bad, but there is absolutely no reason for Kushner to be involved in this response. In fact, there is no reason for Jews to be advising the President of the United States on anything. Every Jew should be considered an Israeli spy because their loyalty is with their tribe first and foremost. This is not even debatable when you look at how Jews behave around the world.

It’s absolutely insane that this Jew Kushner has managed to involve himself in almost every important situation that the White House has dealt with. We as Americans deserve better from our government.