Jared Kushner’s White House Security Clearance Was Initially Denied Over “Foreign Influence” Concerns

Daily Stormer
April 5, 2019

It seems that at least someone in the White House back then was concerned about the poisonous snake.

Daily Mail:

President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been revealed as the White House Official whose security clearance was initially denied over foreign influence concerns.

Kushner was the individual identified as ‘Senior White House Official 1’ in a House Oversight Committee memo on Monday summarizing the testimony of an executive branch whistle-blower, sources told the Washington Post.

The whistle-blower, Tricia Newbold, said that her denial of Kushner’s clearance was overruled despite her concerns about ‘foreign influence, outside activities… and personal conduct,’ the memo stated.

Though the memo didn’t specify the nature of her concerns, foreign officials from Israel, China, the United Arab Emirates, and Mexico all discussed ways to gain leverage on Kushner, the Post reported last year.

According to the new report, Kushner was among 25 White House officials who were granted security clearances over Newbold’s objections.

The allegations were detailed in a letter and memo released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Maryland Democrat and chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

The documents, which are based on Newbold’s March 23 private committee interview, don’t identify the officials on the list but say they include “two current senior White House officials, as well as contractors and individuals” in different parts of the Executive Office of the President.

According to Ms. Newbold, these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use and criminal conduct,” the memo says.

This Tricia Newbold person – who is a dwarf – has worked for 18 years in the Executive Office of the President, yet her denials of security clearances were overruled.

Tricia Newbold

That dwarf could have probably saved the entire Trump presidency if only they’d have listened to her.

If there’s any single thing one could point out as the critical component of Trump’s demise, that’s definitely the venomous Jew rat Jared Kushner.

Chances are that if that Jew rat never poisoned his mind, Trump would know if the wall is being built or not and where his father was born.

Steve Bannon never would have been fired.

Maybe the wall would’ve been real.

Denying security clearances for Jews should be standard policy. Even without going into the details of the Jew problem, they are all obviously de facto foreign agents.

The dwarven emissary tried to warn us.

But we didn’t listen.