Jews Publish Another Insane Book Accusing Poland of Doing the Holocaust

The Jews are at it again…!

For a while, they’ve been trying to blame Poland for the Holocaust, even though Poland was invaded and occupied by Germany during the war. They literally just started this a few years ago. They started saying it around 2014. They said that after 70 years, new evidence was emerging, in the form of lunatic stories.

Now, they’ve published yet another book featuring really stupid stories.

I don’t even think they expect anyone to believe this tripe. It is just highway robbery, right out in the daylight, as they demand money from Poland.


Jan Grabowski appeared on the cover of a right-wing Polish magazine at the end of May. The face of the Polish-born historian took up a large amount of the cover, against the background of a threatening black-and-white photograph from the period of World War II. “A Lie Without Punishment,” blared the headline of the mass-circulation newsweekly Do Rzeczy, and the subhead added, “In his book about the ‘Blue’ Police, Jan Grabowski again accuses the Poles of having taken part in the Holocaust.”

“Who said history is a boring profession?” Grabowski, 57, thought when he saw the text on the magazine cover, which called for him to be brought to justice. Subsequently he published a Facebook post in which he shared with his students, colleagues and readers around the world the latest chapter in the saga of incitement that the Polish right wing has been conducting against him in recent years, since he became one of the leading names in the field of crimes committed by Poles in the Holocaust.

“As you can imagine, Do Rzeczy is unhappy with my work,” wrote Grabowski. “Needless to say, I will not read the article in question, but I am glad that the book has had its impact not only among the more enlightened readers but also among those, who prefer to build their historical identity on historical fallacies and myths. Who knows, perhaps some of them will even read the ‘dangerous material’?”

The “dangerous material” is his new book, published recently in Poland, titled, “Na Posterunku. Udział polskiej policji granatowej i kryminalnej w zagladzie Zydów,” forthcoming in English later this year as “On Duty: The Role of Polish ‘Blue’ and Criminal Police in the Holocaust.”

Warsaw-born Grabowski devoted a decade to collecting the material for the book. His research took him to archives in Poland, Germany, the United States and Israel in search of documents, some of which no one before him had perused, including reports and logs from police stations of the period. In the course of his research, he also met with eyewitnesses, among them Holocaust survivors, who told him about horrific crimes they had witnessed.

Anyone who thought that 75 years after the Holocaust there was little left for historical research to unearth will quickly discover – upon reading this book – that many fields of study remain to be plowed. The bottom line makes for very difficult reading, for Poles and Jews alike. “I was surprised to discover the role played by the Polish police in the murder of Poland’s Jews,” Grabowski told Haaretz this week in a Zoom interview from Germany, where he is currently conducting research.

“Murder, rape, robbery – the scale is incomprehensible,” he writes in the book. No historian has ever touched this explosive material the way Grabowski does. The only book that dealt until now with the history of the Polish police doesn’t even mention the subject.

In addition to regular policing tasks, the new Polish force – whose membership included nearly 18,000 armed men – also engaged in different missions, which Grabowski says were undertaken by “murderers in uniform.” The Polish police, under German command, he explains, became “a murderous and criminal organization which was a key element in the implementation of the Final Solution.”

Asked whether, in light of the campaign the Polish government has been waging for some time now against any mention of the word “Poland” in connection with the perpetrators of the Holocaust, he is not taking a risk by terming this body the “Polish” police, Grabowski provides documents that back up his words: Both the Germans and the Jews called the force by this name in real time. However, even beyond the semantic issue, his new book fiercely debunks the prevailing notion in present-day Poland to the effect that Poles did not participate institutionally, in a systematic and organized form, in the murder of Jews, but rather did so as individuals, as “wild weeds” that were not part of normative Polish society.

Grabowski’s book demonstrates the exact opposite. Under German auspices, but with independent initiative and great fervor, the Polish police officers took part in the systematic murder of Jews in cities and villages, in ghettos and in places of hiding – indirectly and directly.

“Without the Polish police, the Germans would not have succeeded in their plan,” Grabowski tells Haaretz. “The Polish police became important actors in the German policy of extermination.”

I’m sure there is some truth to the claim that some Poles would have cooperated with the occupying Germans, but I mean, Jews cooperated with Nazis.

George Soros himself cooperated.

It is insane to claim that a nation is responsible for anything that happened before anyone living was even born – which is what we’re approaching now. But to claim that an occupied nation is collectively responsible for that fact that while occupied, some people collaborated with the occupying power in order to make sure their families were fed – this is beyond the pale.

According to the historian, they carried out a range of tasks, from guarding ghettos as early as the war’s first stages, to thwarting the smuggling of food and liquidating the ghettos and hunting down and murdering Jews who fled them, while acting at the Germans’ orders or on their own.

Grabowski cites abundant examples. He also makes a point of naming the “protagonists” of his book in cases in which he has been able to uncover names. Doing so, he feels, is a special obligation for the son of a Holocaust survivor who fought in the Polish underground in the general Warsaw Uprising in 1944.

One of those he names is Kazimierz L., a Polish police officer who, while on the way to the city of Tarnow, in the southeastern part of the country, kidnapped a Jewish woman from the Kopelman family and, together with another officer, raped and murdered her. According to the author’s source, L. “frequently” robbed and killed other Jews in similar fashion.

Yes, so, I don’t believe that anyone believes that you can prove something like this 80 years later.

I guess with “The Weinstein Rule” you probably can, so okay.

But what does it even mean? Now the nation is collectively responsible for a crime that an individual member of their nation committed against a Jew?

If anything happening to a single Jew in a country means that the entire country is collectively responsible for that thing and has to pay infinity money to the Jews, then I think that’s a pretty good argument for not letting Jews live in your country, no?

The Jews appear here to be “making the case for why Jews should not be allowed in your country.”

Of course, they really, really squeal when you tell them they have to leave.

After all, that’s the only thing Hitler really did. It’s what they’re so mad about. He told them they had to leave.

Another officer, Stanislaw Mlynarczyk, from the police station in Radgoszcz, in the south, testified in 1942, together with two other members of the force, that he arrested four Jews who were in hiding in the home of a Pole in the nearby village of Zdzary. They handed the Jews over to the Germans, who murdered them. Around the same time, he stated, he arrested another Jewish woman and her young son, who were in hiding in the home of another Pole. They too were later murdered by the Germans.

The major reason for the Germans’ co-option of the Poles in their murderous campaign was that they found it difficult to distinguish between Polish Jews and Poles who were not Jews. A Jew who succeeded in escaping from the ghetto and mixing in with the local population thus constituted a significant challenge.

“The Germans were rather at a loss and did not have a clue about how to distinguish those who were Jewish, once they blended into the outside population and took off their arm bands,” Grabowski says. In this they were aided by the Polish police, who knew their Jewish neighbors well and were familiar with the areas where they had taken refuge.

Yeah, and it just goes on and on. Go read it if you care. These are the juicier bits.

I have no idea what the Jews are trying to accomplish here. I mean, I obviously understand that it’s bullying and trying to shake Poland down for money, but surely, they must be able to see how this looks, and they must be able to see that Poland is getting really mad about it?


Poland is a really important player in the Jewish anti-Russian agenda, and letting this whole thing blow up just doesn’t make any sense. It doesn’t seem like it could be worth however much change they’re able to shake out of the pockets of the Poles, in some theoretical situation where the Poles decide to pay up.

What I would do if I were Poland, in response to this insanity, is open up the camps to researchers and let them prove that no one did the Holocaust because it didn’t happen.

This can still be done. They can go digging and prove that there are not six million bodies worth of ashes, or in fact, any significant mass graves at all. We know the Holocaust is a hoax. We know it as a matter of fact. But Poland is able to remove any and all doubt by simply opening up the facilities.

I don’t think they will actually do that. But it would be so nice if they would at least threaten to do it, instead of just taking all this crap from the Jews.