Jews Witch Hunt Teenage Girls Over Instagram Joke Pic at Auschwitz Hoax Shrine

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2018


Jews have no sense of humor at all.

Except for Rodney Dangerfield. He was funny.

But yeah, they will try to get you thrown in prison for a joke that ostensibly hurts their feelings.

I don’t think this joke actually did hurt their feelings, I think they just fear anything that could “trivialize” their trivial whining.

So they patrol Instagram for jokes, then call the cops.


Three girls have sparked outrage after a picture emerged showing them doing Nazi salutes outside Auschwitz.

The picture showing the girls standing outside the ‘gate of death’ at the WW2 concentration camp was posted on Instagram by the girls on Tuesday but was deleted shortly after.

But not before museum authorities at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial spotted the picture and called in prosecutors.

Though giving a Nazi salute is not banned in Poland, the law does forbid hate speech based on religion, with prison sentences of up to three years.

But this wasn’t hate speech.

It was a Nazi salute.

So no law was broken.

The Jews of course knew that, but called the cops anyway.

Because even though they broke no law, Jewish whining can get them doxed, put on a list and harassed for the rest of their lives.

For a joke picture.

I am so very tired of Jews.