Joe Biden Responds to Rushmore Doctrine with Novel Rhetoric About Healing the Wounds of Division

Joe Biden really is the ideal cardboard cutout.

He speaks only in platitudes.


The Biden campaign on Saturday said the United States is “suffering” as a result of having a “divisive” president who doesn’t “give a damn about anything but his own gain,” responding to President Donald Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech on Friday.

“Our whole country is suffering through the excruciating costs of having a negligent, divisive president who doesn’t give a damn about anything but his own gain – not the sick, not the jobless, not our constitution, and not our troops in harm’s way,” campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement of Trump. “Even as the outbreak ramps up, he’s admitted to ordering that the federal testing response be watered down.”

Bates said Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, is “running on the opposite values – to win this battle for the soul of our nation, bring the American people together, and rebuild the middle class stronger than ever before, bringing everyone along.”

The claim that Trump is gaining personally from being president is really not a good one. They were better off just barraging him with accusations that he’s a Russian agent.

The Trump campaign hit back on Saturday, saying that “the idea that Biden, with his 40 plus years of DC failure, has any notion or ability to strengthen our union is absurd.”

“Because of political pressure from the left, Biden is forced to agree that America was fundamentally flawed from the beginning and remains so today. By contrast, President Trump is proud of our history and believes strongly in our present greatness,” Trump’s campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said in a statement.

If Trump is going to go full-on with the Rushmore Doctrine, he should really stop talking about Joe Biden like he’s a real person. He should point out the fact that he is an absolute representative of the total establishment, and that a vote for him is not a vote for a person, but a vote for a massive spiderweb of special interest groups.

Talking about his record is basically just legitimizing the idea that a totally senile 80-year-old man is going to be running the country, meeting with foreign leaders and then rushing to the situation room and making split second decisions and so on. The man can barely read a prewritten statement from a screen without getting totally confused and tripping over his words.

Trump and his people should refuse to take seriously the claim that he’s going to run the country.