Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2020
Joe Rogan has endorsed Bernie Sanders.
And Sanders has accepted the endorsement.
“I think I'll probably vote for Bernie… He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.” -Joe Rogan
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 23, 2020
However, this is where the problems begin: Twitter has discovered that Joe Rogan is pure evil.
I really like Bernie and am disappointed to see the campaign boost Rogan, who has made some very anti-trans comments. I really hope the campaign reconsiders.
— Alexis Goldstein ?️? (@alexisgoldstein) January 23, 2020
Joe Rogan today, Richard Spencer tomorrow? David Duke?
If we’re for throwing minorities under the bus to win over the white working class is that the next step?
We’ve said for years the anti-identity politics, class over race argument would lead to this.
— Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) January 24, 2020
Joe Rogan is a sexist bigot, who regularly gives a platform to the alt right to sell his anger and hate-there is no argument that justifies this as a good decision and yet again, women and minorities will pay the price for it.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) January 24, 2020
Listen to me now, and I can’t believe I have to say it: no Dem needs Joe Rogan’s base to defeat Trump.
We also don’t need to capitulate to homophobia and transphobia (which btw *kills* people *smacks forehead*) for any reason.
This is foul, justifying stuff. No way around it.
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin (@ECMcLaughlin) January 24, 2020
There is no way to justify the evil of Joe Rogan.
He was mean to trannies.
And do you know what trannies are?
The base of our morality and the foundations of America.
Our Declaration of Independence begins with very clear words:
We hold these truths to be self evident: that trannies are actually women, and so they can compete in sports with vaginal women.
However, we must remember that a communist revolution is not pretty, and hundreds of millions of people are going to die before the proletariat are finally free of their chains. This is to say, we may have bigger problems to worry about than tranny sports competitions when the collectivization begins.