Jones Siege II: Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes Continue Their Rampage Through Georgia!

Announcement: Daily Stormer will be LIVE ON A LIVESTREAM today at HIGH NOON for part three of the Jones Siege! BE HERE!

Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes continued their radical warpath through Georgia on Thursday, refusing to take prisoners or show mercy on their enemies.

These two are showing the path forward. If we had a hundred men on par with these two men, we would be sitting comfortably with a Trump presidency already.

The media can’t even handle it.

On the second day of the sustained assault on the corrupt city of Atlanta, Nick was riding in the top spot of the Jones Tank.

Speeches then followed outside the capital building, featuring Nick and Jay Dyer.

Frank Hassle was there as well, though he sadly didn’t give a speech.

Nick and Jay then joined Alex for a conference on how to bring these criminals to justice.

(Ali Alexander was also there, which as I said yesterday, I am very uncomfortable with. However, I have talked to some experts, and while everyone agrees that what Alexander is doing is criminal fraud, most people do not think he will be charged for it. So maybe it’s fine. But seriously – don’t give this guy money.)

Come evening, the people rallied outside the governor’s mansion – and the criminal Governor Brian Kemp was said to have been literally shaking in his boots!

(Longer version of the mansion assault.)


This is what we need to be doing, people. Rallies like this should be happening every day in every contested state. You should be organizing it. If you only knew how bad things are going to get. If we lose, I promise you that you will be looking back at this time and wishing you would have done more to stop the steal.

Fuentes, who is a machine now reaching power levels comparable to the Jones Machine itself, then did a show in his hotel room. The feds kept calling him.

He spoke about Tucker Carlson, who appears to be in the process of betraying us.

Did you see this clip?

He says there’s no evidence of fraud?

What is he even doing?

Why is Tucker doing a show about anything other than the election?

I make a point to include “and this is what happens if Trump doesn’t win, so this is why you need to get out in the street” in every single piece I’ve written for the last two weeks.

I will soon address the Tucker Question. I now feel sickened and betrayed.

Note: The source for most of the above footage is two videos from The Ralph Retort, and the originals, which include extra footage, are available on Ralph’s DLive page under “replays.”