Justice Dept. Hunting Down 1.3 Million Leftist Terrorists

Daily Stormer
August 16, 2017

The government reportedly intends to “lock them in cages, where they belong.”

At last, the Trump administration has begun hunting their enemies down to the last man.

I think we, as a society, have become mature enough to understand that if there’s a group of people that can’t be allowed to remain free, it’s leftists.

Every damn normie who ever upvoted a Hillary meme needs to have their IP back-traced, receive a fair trial, and then put into cages.

The fact that the Justice department is working on that first part warms my heart.

New York Times:

The Justice Department is trying to force an internet hosting company to turn over information about everyone who visited a website used to organize protests during President Trump’s inauguration, setting off a new fight over surveillance and privacy limits.

Oh, so this is what’s setting of the “new fight” over surveillance?

Not the Wikileaks revelations shedding light on the fact that the NSA basically has access to everyone’s personal information through illegal means?

It’s fine to have a totalitarian police state – as long as it’s controlled by Jews.

Federal investigators last month persuaded a judge to issue a search warrant to the company, Dreamhost, demanding that it turn over data identifying all the computers that visited its customer’s website and what each visitor viewed or uploaded.

The company says that would result in the disclosure of a large volume of information about people who had nothing to do with the protests. Over 1.3 million requests were made to view pages on the website in the six days after inauguration alone, it said.

1.3 million?

It’s a good start.

But there’s a hell of a lot more people out there we need to put in cages.

I suggest the justice department request the IP logs of itsgoingdown.org and huffingtonpost.com too, just to round out the number.

Though I would be satisfied with just caging HuffPo’s editiorial team. For now.

Dreamhost is fighting the warrant as unconstitutionally broad.

“In essence, the search warrant not only aims to identify the political dissidents of the current administration, but attempts to identify and understand what content each of these dissidents viewed on the website,” two lawyers for Dreamhost, Raymond Aghaian and Chris Ghazarian, wrote in a court motion opposing the demand.


What’s wrong with rounding up political dissidents?

Isn’t that what Jews have always done, after all?

Don’t like being ruled over by Jews, peasants? You can just die, then.

William Miller, a spokesman for the United States attorney’s office in the District of Columbia, provided court filings in the case but declined to comment. The government’s filing declared that Dreamhost “has no legal basis for failing to produce materials in response to the court’s search warrant.”

The fight, which came to light on Monday when Dreamhost published a blog post entitled “We Fight For the Users,” centers on a search warrant for information about a website, disruptj20.org, which served as a clearinghouse for activists seeking to mobilize resistance to Mr. Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20.

The website featured maps to organize blockades of intersections arranged around various themes — like feminism, gay rights, racial justice, climate change, immigrant rights, antiwar, and labor — and tips for legal observers. It offered printable protest signs, many critical of Mr. Trump, and afterward it posted pictures of protests.

This site was facilitating terrorist organizing against the Trump administration. Blocking traffic is illegal – so the site was glorifying crimes and promoting illegal activity.

The state acting on that is completely legitimate.

Meanwhile, the Daily Stormer, which consistently promotes peace and order, is persecuted relentlessly, and without reason, by vicious Jews.

The good folk at the justice department should seriously look into this injustice.