Muslim’s Jail Sentence Doubled for Horrific Rape Filmed on His iPod

Manchester Evening News
November 19, 2013

Hesam Khosravi. No news about him being deported for his crimes though.
Hesam Khosravi. No mention of him being deported back to Iran for his crimes.

A man who filmed himself raping a woman on his tablet computer had his jail sentence almost doubled today.

Leading judges agreed with Attorney General Dominic Grieve that the original term imposed on Hesam Khosravi at Minshull Crown Court in Manchester in January was “unduly lenient” – and increased it from six to 11 years.

It was argued on Mr Grieve’s behalf at the Court of Appeal in London that six years failed to reflect the seriousness of the offence, the need for deterrence and the “public concern that offences like this give rise to”.

During the “sustained” attack in Trafford, Greater Manchester, the 24-year-old Iranian immigrant threatened his victim with a knife.

The appeal judges were told that other “aggravating” features of the case included “deliberate and gratuitous violence” and “degradation and humiliation”, which included the filming of the crime on an iPad.

Increasing Khosravi’s sentence, Lady Justice Hallett, sitting with two other judges, said: “Watching the footage was an extraordinarily unpleasant task.

“The victim’s obvious pain and distress is excruciating to watch.

“How the victim must feel knowing that the recording has been shown in court and watched by outsiders one cannot imagine.”

She added: “What is particularly chilling is the offender’s calm dominance throughout.”

The judge said: “The offender was determined to terrify and humiliate at the same time. He succeeded.

“His behaviour that night was simply cruel, and the lasting psychological harm he has caused is immeasurable.”