Nasrallah: Hezbollah Will be in Syria as Long as We Need to be

November 14, 2013

Nasrallah is my type of Muslim: he smiles all the time, defends his own people in his own lands, and does not advocate the colonization and conquest of Europe and America.
Nasrallah is my type of Muslim: he smiles all the time, defends his own people in his own lands, and does not advocate the colonization and conquest of Europe and America.

Shi’ite militants from Hezbollah will keep fighting in Syria’s civil war alongside President Bashar al-Assad’s forces as long as necessary, the group’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Thursday.

Hezbollah has helped turn the tide in Assad’s favor this year, leading the recapture of the town of Qusair and fighting alongside his forces south of Damascus and in the northern city of Aleppo.

“As long as the reasons (to fight in Syria) remain, our presence there will remain,” Nasrallah said in a speech in front of tens of thousands of Lebanese Shi’ites marking the religious ceremony of Ashoura in southern Beirut.

“Our fighters are present on Syrian soil…to confront all the dangers it faces from the international, regional and takfiri attack on this country and region,” Nasrallah said, referring to the foreign Islamist rebels fighting in Syria.

Takfiri is a term for a hardline Sunni Muslim who sees other Muslims as infidels, often as a justification for fighting or killing them.

The 2-1/2 year-old civil war has polarized the Middle East between Sunni Muslim powers such as Turkey and the Gulf Arab states, who support the Sunni rebels, and Shi’i’te Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah, who back Assad. The president belongs to the Alawite faith, an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam.

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