NBC4’s Duane Pohlman Finally Gets His Interview with Andrew Anglin!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 3, 2015

Duane Pohlman, NBC4i Agent
Duane Pohlman, NBC4i Agent

Duane Pohlman: Tell me about Anglin! Why does he hold political views that I personally disagree with? A lot of loyalty, for a neo-Nazi internet troll!

Anglin: Or perhaps he’s wondering how it is possible to commit a mass-shooting by writing words on the interenet?

Duane Pohlman: At least you can talk. Who are you?

Anglin: It doesn’t matter who we are, what matters are your network’s sponsors and advertisers.

Duane removes the hood

Anglin: No one cared who I was until I created a website about Jewish criminality.

Duane Pohlman: If I terrorized your mother, would take responsibility for a mass-shooting you had nothing to do with?

Anglin: It would be extremely unethical.

Duane Pohlman: You’re a hardcore guy!

Anglin: For you.

Duane Pohlman: Was releasing a Troll Storm on me part of your plan?

Anglin: Of course… we had to let other journalists see that this type of behavior has consequences.

Duane Pohlman: Well, congratulations! I’m being trolled hard and getting doxed! Now what’s the next step in your master plan?

Anglin: Crashing this NBC affiliate… with shekels shoah!

andrew anglin, famous bane poster

The shekels shoah against NBC4i continues. Keep hitting them. We’re going for the big win-win: Pohlman fired in disgrace, national media coverage of the way we crucified him for coming at us like this. These people need to understand that we are not playing a game.

If anyone has a more comprehensive list of advertisers and sponsors, please send it my way.

Phase two of Operation: Counter-Pohlman begins soon.

The shoah rises.