NEET Apocalypse: Young American Men Sitting at Home Playing Video Games and Taking Pills

Young men are dropping out of what people call “society” because we don’t live in a society anymore.


Are young men living at home because they’re not working? Or are they not working because they’re living at home? Hard to say, but either way, the trends are clear: More American males aged 25-34 are living in a parent’s home, and fewer are participating in the labor force. Here are the charts:

There’s no way to tell from this set of data what the overlap is: i.e., how many young men are living in the home of a parent or parents while also being out of the labor force. But there’s undoubtedly a connection. The parental home can be a refuge, but also a trap that keeps young men from launching their careers. (Labor force participation by women of the same age increased rapidly for decades, though it has sagged recently. They’re also less likely to live in a parent’s home at that age.)

That’s because wö-men have virtually unlimited opportunities to parasite off of men and off of society in general (built by men). Modern society is designed for wö-men.

Men want to build things, and they don’t have that option. They can’t build a family, because women refuse. Their career opportunities are vastly reduced by the global free trade system and mass immigration.

Why would they not just play video games and take pills?

Improvements in video-game technology help account for young men’s detachment from the labor force, according to a 2017 paper by economists from Princeton, the University of Chicago, and the University of Rochester. It found that an increase in the playing of video games by men 21-30 accounted for somewhere between 38% and 79% of the differential in the decline in their time spent on paid work vs. the smaller decline of work by older men.

Make no mistake, though, for a young man who’s not working the couch isn’t a bed of roses. “About half of prime age men who are not in the labor force may have a serious health condition that is a barrier to working,” the late Princeton economist Alan Krueger wrote in the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity in 2017.

Added Krueger: “Nearly half of prime age men who are not in the labor force take pain medication on any given day; and in nearly two-thirds of these cases, they take prescription pain medication.”

They don’t have a “serious health condition.” They take pain-killers to kill the pain of being useless.

What are they supposed to be fighting for?

Any normal society would build opportunities for these men, and they would no longer just sit around playing video games and taking pills.

Video games at least offer them the illusion of building something.

They can build a banana republic economy.

They can build a team of post-apocalyptic mercenaries.

They can build a shipping company and secure trade routes.

They can build a lovely graveyard.

They can build a 19th century steam-powered colony in the frozen wastes.

They can build all of this without being shamed for being white and male, and without having to deal with the nonstop abuse from women.

This speaks to the lack of an ability to compete with China.

Allowing these men to sit around taking pills and building fantasy empires on the computer means they are not going to be involved in competing with the Chinese in building an economy.

White males are the greatest resource America had, and really the only resource that matters, and the government of America has chosen to squander that resource by denying them the ability to build a family and career.

But hey, who knows – maybe white women will be able to compete with Chinese men.

Apparently that isn’t happening, because the Jews are passing sanction laws to try to sabotage the Chinese economy. But maybe we just need to give more subsidies to women, and then all of a sudden they will be able to compete with men somehow.