New Poll Shows Warren Tied with Biden! Salute Your New Commie Mommy!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2019

There is only one solution for America and that solution is communism.

Thankfully, it looks like we’re headed straight for absolute communism.

The Week:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is going nowhere but up.

The 2020 candidate pulled off a rare showing in an Economist/YouGov poll published Wednesday, tying the largely untouchable former Vice President Joe Biden with 26 percent support among registered voters. It marks one of the few polls where Biden is within danger of losing his frontrunner status, and contains a dismal prediction for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.).

Biden has only had a few close calls in previous polls, but Warren’s 2020 rise has seemingly been eating away at his support as well as Sanders’. In a late August poll from Monmouth University, Sanders and Warren topped the pool with 20 percent support, and Biden was just behind at 19 percent. In this Economist/YouGov poll, Biden is back up, but so is Warren, both leaving Sanders a full 10 points behind at 16 percent.

I knew that there was no way that Biden was going to hold. And I guess Warren makes as much sense as anyone else to clean up as he collapses.

Some of his people will I guess go to Ladycop Kamala, because she’s the other establishment figure. But a lot will go to Warren, just because she’s popular and people are stupid sheep, which is why democracy is such a great system that needs to be violently forced on the entire world using war.

I personally don’t give a heck what happens and I just want everyone to die after a groyper uprising where everyone gets RAPED.

But one thing that would make me happy is if Elizabeth Warren starts using the Mary Tyler Moore Show theme song as her official theme song.

Because she might just make it after all.