New Tech Can Add New Advertisement and Product Placement on Movies Released Decades Ago

Once again, we see that the most accurate of any of the classic sci-fi writers – more accurate than either George Orwell or Aldous Huxley – was Philip K. Dick.

Dick was the only one who really understood how much corporations and the advertising industry would play a role in shaping the direction of the enslavement technology, and how the goals of the corporate marketers would overlap with the goals of the tyrannical governmental entity. Dick was also the only one who grasped the level of absurdity we would be dealing with during the end times, and the role that sheer, base stupidity would play in the unraveling of the traditional social, political and economic order.


The advertising industry is now turning to technology that can seamlessly insert computer-generated images.

So items can be digitally added to almost any movie or TV show. For example, advertisers could put new labels on the champagne bottles in Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca, add different background neon advertising signs to Ocean’s 11, or get Charlie Chaplin to promote a fizzy drink.

And then a few weeks, months or years later the added products can be easily switched to different brands.

One of the firms that has developed the ability to do this is UK advertising business Mirriad. Its technology is now being used by a Chinese video streaming website, and the makers of hit US TV show Modern Family have also tried it out.

Mirriad’s chief executive Stephan Beringer expects such digital product placement to become widespread. His firm came up with the process after previously making movie special effects.

“We started out working in movies,” he says. “Our chief scientist Philip McLauchlan, with his team, came up with the technology that won an Academy Award for the film Black Swan.

“The technology can ‘read’ an image, it understands the depth, the motion, the fabric, anything. So you can introduce new images that basically the human eye does not realise has been done after the fact, after the production.”

Roy Taylor, the chief executive of Californian-based business Ryff, says his firm is taking digital product insertion one stage further.

It has developed the technology whereby the product placement is targeted at individuals, and changes depending on who is watching.

So if you like wine then the hero of a film could be drinking a particular bottle that you might be tempted to try. Or if you are teetotal the star might be sipping on a bottle of branded water.

Ryff can do this if you are watching a film on a laptop, smartphone or smart TV, by tracking what you previously bought or looked at online. It works in the same way that online adverts pop up on websites based on your past purchasing or viewing history.

This is being developed as an advertisement technology, but the potential for social manipulation is limitless.

We have often talked about the fact that individuals will be targeted by algorithms, and that their entire concept of reality could be uniquely tailored. That is what they are talking about here – tailoring individual realities. There is no reason that a news reader can’t read different news items to different people, showing different events which will psychologically affect them differently. In a society of total alienation, which is what the virus regime is, people will not be able to check notes with others in a meaningful way.

This could and will also induce psychosis, where people’s memories stop lining up with what they’re seeing, and they believe they are going insane. There is nothing that makes a person more likely to go insane than believing they are going insane. Of course, their mood can be monitored, and what they receive on TV and through internet media can be targeted to stimulate an emotional response.

Facebook has been caught doing this, actually.

They proved that they were able to manipulate people’s emotions using just their news feed. They were also able to gauge their emotions based on their internet activity.

Advertisement has always been a nightmare system of unwinding the human psychology into a series of loose strings and then tying them up into knots.

It was bad enough when the girl of your dreams was trying to get you to buy the latest Sonic remake.

You could end up in a situation where your dead grandmother pops up on your phone screen and says: “honey, I just wanted to remind you it’s time to go to get your vaccine booster shot. You’re always forgetting things, so I just thought I’d remind you. And while you’re on the way, you might as well treat yourself to a nice cool glass of Coca-Cola.”

There are no conceivable limits to this.