NEW Upcoming Alt-Right Game: Kekistan

Daily Stormer
July 14, 2017

This is great.

An old Final Fantasy/Dragon Quest type Alt-Right RPG.

Almost… too obvious.

The video game industry has been completely pozzed with diversity, feminism and homosexualism in the past few years.

We need our vidya!

So it’s our responsibility to come up with un-cucked video games in order to give our guys the entertainment they need.

We recently had the release of “Angry Goy,” a beat em’ up featuring the voice acting of Natt Danelaw and plenty of Moslem-Slaughtering action:

We’ve also got the hilarious Moonman mod for Doom:

If you’ve got your own vidya project, you can inform the Staff of the Daily Stormer and we will be pleased to promote it for it’s release.