Newlywed Iowa School Teacher Admits to “Performing Sex Acts” on Students as Young as 13

“Mrs. Panface, can I go to the bathroom?” – “Yes. And I’m coming with you. For a handjob.”

The evidence is mounting that women don’t even know it is illegal to have sex with teenage boys, or maybe don’t understand the concept of something being illegal.

They surely can’t put this poor stupid bitch in prison for 33 years. That doesn’t even make any sense.

New York Post:

A newlywed Iowa school teacher has admitted sexually abusing students as young as 13 — leaving her facing up to 33 years in prison after already losing her job and short-lived marriage.

Cassidy Kraus, 24, a teacher at IKM Manning School, got hitched in July — just for new husband Zachary to file for divorce on August 28 when the abuse against at least three boys first emerged, according to Fox News.

Cassidy Kraus with her ex-husband

Three days before the divorce filing, the teacher tendered her resignation to avoid getting fired, school officials said.

She pleaded guilty Monday to one count of third-degree sexual abuse, two counts of lascivious acts with a child and three counts of dissemination and exhibition of obscene materials to minors, KTIV reported.

She committed lascivious acts against a 13-year-old in May 2022 by “fondling or touching” him, according to the complaint, which noted that she was a “mandatory reporter of child abuse as a teacher employed by the IKM-Manning Community School District.”

Kraus also had sexually abused a 14-year-old boy by “performing sex acts” between Jan. 17 and Jan. 31, 2023, officials said.

It sounds like she was just giving them handjobs.

I’m the first person to be hard on women, and remind you that your wife is doing this too.

But come on.

What exactly is the crime here? Who is the victim?

Editor’s Note: The Daily Stormer once changed its name to “Tranny Watch,” because it seemed like every other story was about trannies. We now appear to be moving into a slut teacher watching mode. However, “Slut Teacher Watch” is not a catchy name. We are consulting with our advisors.