NSA Admits Tucker Carlson Unmasking, Facebook Confirms Censoring Show

CNN and the rest of the Jewish media has claimed emphatically that Tucker Carlson is paranoid and a liar for claiming that the NSA is spying on him.

Now, Brian Stelter either won’t talk about it at all, or he will say that it is good that the NSA is spying on him, because he is a terrorist threat.

New York Post:

The National Security Agency has quietly admitted that the identity of Fox News prime-time host Tucker Carlson was “unmasked” and leaked as he alleged earlier this month, according to a report.

“For the NSA to unmask Tucker Carlson or any journalist attempting to secure a newsworthy interview is entirely unacceptable and raises serious questions about their activities as well as their original denial, which was wildly misleading,” a Fox News spokesperson told The Record, a cybersecurity news site.

Two sources told The Record Friday that, according to an internal NSA investigation, Carlson’s name was revealed after it was mentioned in “communications between two parties” that were under surveillance.

But the host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” was neither a direct nor an incidental target of the agency, the sources said.

“Unmasking” refers to the intelligence community practice that allows national security officials to see the identities of American citizens who correspond with foreigners under surveillance.

By law, Americans are supposed to remain shielded from spy agencies’ view — and making any “unmasked” names public is strictly prohibited.

There was a time, not long ago, when liberals also would have been bothered by the concept of intelligence agencies spying directly on journalists for the purpose of trying to set them up.

But now, of course, the left in America aggressively supports the military industrial complex, including all of these spy agencies.