NYC ICE Office Already Completely Booked for Asylum Hearings for a Decade

When Joe Biden’s term ends, we have going to have 30 million “new Americans” – at least.

He’s continued the program of legal immigration, and escalated to more than 2 million a year, and with these illegals, there are some claiming it’s nearly 10 million a year.

This situation is totally out of control, and no one is talking about it, because the conservatives have decided to focus on the tranny thing and also promoting the claim that Joe Biden is not pushing hard enough for a war with China.

New York Post:

New York City’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office is “fully booked through October 2032” for appointments to process migrants released at the southern border, according to an official document exclusively reviewed by The Post — making the Big Apple the ideal destination for migrants with dubious asylum claims and causing a massive headache to those with valid ones.

The backlog means that migrants may have to wait almost a decade just to enter the immigration court process — which is beset by further delays stretching out years, sources said.

If you want to stay here and fight your case for 12 years [and] if you do your research or the cartels do their research… that’s actually pretty clever,” said Thomas Homan, the acting ICE director from January 2017 through June 2018.

The Biden administration released into the US 802,396 non-citizens who were apprehended after illegally crossing the Southwest border in the 23-month period from late March 2021 through Feb. 13, according to a Feb. 18 document on ICE letterhead.

Historically, migrants who illegally crossed the southern border with asylum claims were issued a Notice to Appear (NTA) in immigration court.

But to cope with a record-breaking wave of new arrivals, the Biden administration in early 2021 added a new step and issued migrants a Notice to Report (NTR) to the ICE office near their final destination to get placed into court proceedings.

Authorities stopped issuing NTRs in late 2021 and imposed the Alternatives to Detention (ATD) “parole” program on most migrants released at the border, who generally submit to GPS tracking or reporting on a smartphone app.

The document reviewed by The Post lists the “Top 10 Parole/NTR Appointment Backlog Locations” and said that as of Feb. 13, there were 39,216 non-citizens with appointments at ICE’s New York City office — making it the most clogged jurisdiction in the country.

The second-most backlogged ICE office is in Jacksonville, Fla., which was “mostly booked” for appointments through June 2028 with 2,686 migrants in line.

Third-place Miramar, Fla., is “fully booked” through January 2028 with 24,747 migrants who have appointments.

Rounding out the top 10 were offices in Atlanta (“mostly booked” through January 2027); San Antonio (“fully booked” through February 2027); Mount Laurel, NJ (“fuly booked” through May 2026); Chicago (“mostly booked” through February 2026), Baltimore (“mostly booked through” January 2026), Milwaukee (“fully booked” through February 2026) and Indianapolis (“fully booked” through January 2026).

ICE, given more than a week to comment by The Post, neither disputed the accuracy of the reported backlog figure nor contradicted sources’ contention about what it meant.

Former Virginia-based immigration judge Matt O’Brien says he’s seen migrants strategically “forum-shop” to get their case in a certain jurisdiction, based either on the anticipation of a speedy hearing or a desire for a wait that may stretch into the distant future.

The problem is significantly worse with people trying to get in courts where everything is delayed so that they can get work authorization and basically hang out and wait for the next amnesty,” said O’Brien, who was an immigration judge from 2020 through 2022 after working at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

I think what [the Biden administration is] doing is they’re trying to flood the country with people who are not going to be able to get in front of a court,” O’Brien said. “I think they’re going to try and force legislative amnesty making the same claim that they always do, which is, ‘we don’t have the resources or the political will to deport this many people.’”

“The major problem with all of this is that 99% of these people don’t have a valid asylum claim,” added O’Brien. “[The asylum process] is designed to protect people from persecution, primarily at the hands of a government or in certain limited circumstances at the hands of parties that government is unable or unwilling to control.”

Andrew Arthur, who served eight years as an immigration judge in Pennsylvania, said that the appointment backlog reflects the tip of an iceberg.

“That means that there are tens of thousands of people with NTRs who were released on ‘Alternatives to Detention’ who have not been scheduled to show up at an ICE office for an NTA, and 700,000-plus of aliens who were paroled with ATD who are in the same situation,” said Arthur, who is now a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“I can assume that the New York City office only has so many ‘call-in’ slots for NTAs for aliens released with NTRs and on parole, and that it has effectively filled those slots for the next decade,” Arthur said.

Homan, the former ICE director, said that the delays come with a human cost for migrants — many of whom will start families and buy property as they await their day in court.

They’ll have a child or two. Since you’re born here, they’re US citizens. They may buy a house, they may start a small business, then when they finally get a hearing from a judge, they say they’re not qualified and you are ordered deported,” Homan said. “Then everybody’s freaking out because you’re separating parents from the US citizen children.”

Congressional Republicans have vented about the Biden administration’s decision to release migrants at the border without court dates, arguing that doing so is illegal and allows for many migrants to fall through the cracks.

Honestly, I can kind of understand why the conservatives have more or less stopped talking about immigration. There is no possible solution to this problem, other than a Hitler-like figure who sends a paramilitary force to round-up anyone speaking Spanish (or any of these other languages) and throw them in buses and trains bound for Mexico.

Republicans would never do anything that extreme, so they don’t have any reason to talk about the problem.