Orban Says Sanctions Costing Hungary Over 10 Billion Euros While Russia Remains Unharmed

It’s a small price to pay to punish Putin.

Of course, if Putin isn’t actually being punished in reality, that is not the point.

The point is it sends a message about our values.

Because the fact is, our values are who we are in a rules-based order of human rights democracy.


Sanctions introduced by the EU against Russia over its military operation Ukraine have cost Hungary’s economy €10 billion, but have failed to stop the conflict, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday.

The anti-Russia measures imposed nearly a year ago have had a devastating impact on Budapest, by sending energy prices soaring, and raising costs throughout the economy, Orban stated in his annual state of the nation speech.

“Sanctions have pulled four trillion forints (over €10 billion) out of the pockets of Hungarians,” the PM said, noting that the country’s government, corporate sector and households saw energy prices skyrocket in 2022.

According to Orban, the punitive measures “were supposed to hit Russia, but hit Europe.” Leaders of the bloc were seeking to end to the conflict in Ukraine, but “a year has passed, and this has not happened.”

We did not deprive Russia of resources, we gave Russia even more money, and Russian energy supplies [in monetary terms] grew by 70%,” he said.

We need to listen to stupid whores on the internet and stop thinking for ourselves.

These women know what’s best because they have gooey stink-holes between their legs.

It’s science.

Related: Stupid Fat Bitch Calls on Putin to Pull a 360