Orban Says Ukraine Border Skirmish is an Internal Slavic Matter That is Not the Business of the Rest of the World

This is a pretty hot take from the Orbster (that’s what his friends call him).


The Ukraine conflict is a face-off between two Slavic nations in which the rest of the world should not get involved, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said. He added that most other Western countries are doing everything they can to spread the hostilities.

In an interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday, Orban said the conflict between Kiev and Moscow “is not our war,” but rather a “Slavic fraternal war between two countries.” For this reason, he said other nations should strive to “isolate it, separate it, prevent it from spreading further.”

You know, the Poles are Slavic as well, despite being Roman Catholic.

He acknowledged, however, that Budapest and the rest of the Western world have markedly different views on the situation, with the latter intent on globalizing the conflict and seeing it as their war.

According to Orban, this approach is mistaken as Western nations are risking severe consequences without having a clear goal.

He attributed this difference in positions to the fact that Hungary directly borders Ukraine, while most of Kiev’s backers are quite far away from the country.

The Hungarian prime minister noted that, while “tens of thousands die,” the front lines remain stationary, and there is a “constant danger” of other nations being affected by the conflict.

Orban also suggested that it would be a mistake to admit Ukraine into the European Union before the conflict is over. He noted that Kiev and Moscow have territorial disputes, and it is therefore difficult to predict how big or small Ukraine will end up being, and how much of the population will remain when hostilities end. He said these are key parameters for distributing responsibilities and resources within the EU.

The prime minister concluded by claiming that the bloc is short of funds, and currently has to decide between supporting Ukraine or its own less-developed member states, such as Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Croatia.

Here be a map, laddies:

Slavic races

I don’t think that Slavs are really that much more different from other white groups as other white groups are from each other. Certainly, Slavs are not more different from Scandinavians than Italians are from Scandinavians, and actually, Scandinavians and Slavs are probably more alike than either are similar to Southern Europeans. (The original Slavic state of Kieven Rus was founded by Vikings – the Rurik Dynasty, it was called.)

The issue with Slavs that makes them unique is that they are a group that is spread out across multiple countries, and they fight with each other. I guess you could say that this is sort of the case with the English being basically German… but there are several differences there, and also, Germany and Britain fight less than Russia and Poland. The Anglo states have not fought each other since the Revolutionary War.

Some Slavs have deep-rooted hatred against each other, and they are really beyond the comprehension of outsiders. Orban’s statements about “just let them figure it out” are very good, and are coming from someone who is surrounded by Slavs, and so is in a place to understand this issue. Romanians and Hungarians, being in the middle of this Slavic territory, are going to be able to comment on this with more understanding than anyone else.

Of course, Romania has a lot of serious problems that Hungary does not have. Specifically, the Romanian government has Slav-like corruption, and Romania wants a right to export hookers to Western Europe. Romanians are also morose in a way that other races in the region are not, and seem fatalistic about their government.

I don’t really understand that. Romanians are more or less Italians (the trick is in the name). But Italian Italians are very unhinged about their government, and constantly go into a mania about it, while Romanians are not doing that at all. The young Romanians I’ve talked to know very little about their own government, and will just constantly turn every political discussion into a defense of Ceaușescu (the Romanian communist leader who was lynched during the independence movements of 1989).

It’s some kind of anti-boomer thing, in part. Just as we in America blame the boomers for all of this decadence they engaged in, young Romanians – in my experience, I’m not claiming this as a definite or absolute matter – believe it was decadent that their boomer parents overthrew communism while not considering the effects long-term.

Anyway – whatever.

All these people can figure out their own problems. What we need to do is remove globalism, and allow different peoples to come to whatever solutions suit them.

Who knows what Orban’s plan is.

Frankly, it looks as though he’s gotten all he’s going to get from the EU, and now would be a good time to dip out and align with Russia. However, he’s also surrounded on every side, which makes this difficult, especially if you’re going to have an escalation of the war.