Poland’s Military Aid to the Ukraine Actually a Land-Grab Plot, Top Russian Spy Claims

Poland has been trying to seize Galicia for a very long time.

Then, all of a sudden, they become the best friend of the Ukraine, and their solution to help the Ukraine is to send peacekeepers into Galicia.

It doesn’t take a super genius to put two and two together here.


Poland’s military assistance to Ukraine is part of a secret plan aimed at destroying the country’s statehood, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, warned on Tuesday. If Kiev is ultimately defeated by Moscow, Poland will be able to retake lands that it lost to the Soviet Union in the 1940s, he suggested.

“Seizing control of the western territories of modern Ukraine, the so-called Kresy [‘borderlands’ in Polish], is the coveted dream of the Polish nationalists,” Naryshkin claimed.

The Polish government cannot simply drop this element of its national ideology, he added. Warsaw sees “the collapse of Ukrainian statehood after a military defeat as a condition for implementing this idea,” the official said.

It’s even something that would sort of make logical sense, no?

The Ukrainian state can’t possibly survive this protracted war. Russia is going to control a big part of the east of the country, and so it would just be reasonable to put parts in the west under Polish jurisdiction.

Naryshkin did not offer any direct evidence to support his assertions, although he has repeatedly warned about Poland’s intentions.

‘Kresy’ is the name of certain territories that historically belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Russian Empire gained control of some parts of Poland during the 18th century partitions, but its collapse after the Russian Revolution allowed Warsaw to regain independence.

The Poles themselves publish maps online. You can find them in a number of different places.

This might sound wacky, but people associated with the ruling party in Poland are actively talking about this.

During World War I, the British proposed the so-called Curzon Line as a Russian-Polish border, but Warsaw rejected the idea and took control of some lands to the east of the proposed demarcation. Decades later, the line served as the basis of the post-World War II settlement, with Poland gaining some German lands as compensation for ceding territory to the Soviet Union. These lands are currently controlled by Ukraine and Belarus.

Yes, they want to push all the way to Minsk, in theory.

This is the entire ideology of the current Polish state: to expand by any means necessary.

They are not really very intelligent people, and they don’t seem to understand that every influential state has become influential as a result of economic or cultural superiority – usually both. No one has ever built an empire because they became the lapdog of another empire (the US, in this case) and fought wars for them. In fact, few empires have been based on violence alone, with an exception of the Mongol empire (which wasn’t very stable and didn’t last very long).

The actual reality of the situation is that the US will exploit any selfish or evil desire of any group in order to build an alliance with them. It’s very much a satanic thing, where evil drives bring dark forces together in a satanic alliance. For some reason, last year I read Stephen King’s “The Stand,” and this was a theme of the book.

The US makes alliances with homosexuals, Islamic terrorists, neo-Nazis and others. “Polish expansionists” is just another group with a weird agenda that the US can exploit.