Poll: Daily Stormer Ranked “Most Trusted” Republican News Outlet

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2016


A poll of Republicans has found that The Daily Stormer is far and above the news source they trust most.

The margins of the poll, conducted between November 14-16 by The Daily Stormer, were somewhat astonishing. A staggering 97% of Republicans find the Stormer to be more trustworthy than other Republican outlets. Drudge Report came in second place with 2% of Republicans placing their highest levels of trust in this website, run by a Jewish homosexual.

Breitbart scored 1% in the poll, while no Republicans chose National Review, Fox News, Gateway Pundit or WoldNetDaily as their most-trusted goto news site. This doesn’t mean that Republicans don’t trust these outlets, simply that they trust them less than the Stormer, which has been lauded by Republicans for its focus on facts and its commitment to journalistic integrity.


The poll has a 3% margin of error, meaning it is possible that up to 100% of Republicans trust The Daily Stormer more than other outlets.

Pollees were asked to explain why they put such high levels of trust in the Stormer, and their answers were shockingly similar, stressing the site’s impartiality, commitment to the truth and unflinching adherence to the values and principles of the GOP.

“I really love their insight. But what I like most about DS is that you know they’re totally unbiased. It’s refreshing, really. If you need to know what’s going on in the world of Republicans, you know you’ll get the straight dope from DS,” said one Republican voter.

“The Daily Stormer is the only mainstream republican news source you can trust, all other news outlets are run by confused neocons who claim to be right wing but support feminism, immigration, and try to pander to black people and other subhumans,” answered another.

“I trust The Daily Stormer over any other news outlet because the founder of the site and the people who write for it value truthful reporting and analyzing over political correctness and corrupt donor money,” said a third.

“The Daily Stormer, more than every other Republican news outlet, is unflinchingly honest, concise, and well-sourced,” said a fourth.

In a world of media lies, The Daily Stormer has gained a reputation for truthfulness that is sure to bring the site into prominence in the future.

Recently, Breitbart’s chief Steve Bannon was made the chief advisor to president-elect Donald Trump, and Daily Stormer’s founder Andrew Anglin doesn’t view it as out of the question that he will someday land a similar job.

“I’m 32, Bannon is 62,” said Anglin, “we’ve both worked in the right-wing as representative of our respective generations. I believe that by the time I get to be Bannon’s age, I’ll be working in the White House in a similar capacity.”