Poll: Trump Still Crushing All in South Carolina

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2016


We will win in South Carolina even more severely than we won in New Hampshire.

And then we’ll just keep winning.


After a dry spell of nearly a month, and all the political drama and actual voting that has taken place in Iowa and New Hampshire, we finally have a new poll out of South Carolina, where the next round of voting begins in less than 10 days. And, quite incredibly, it shows that … almost nothing has changed. Donald Trump is still up by double digits,

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is in second, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is in third.

The Augusta Chronicle poll, taken on February 10 and 11, almost perfectly mirrors its immediate predecessor, a NBC poll taken during the third week of January. With 36% support, Trump is in first place by +16 points. Cruz is in second with 20%. Rubio jumped a statistically insignificant +1 to enjoy 15% support.

Jeb Bush jumped +2 to 11%.

The only notable change is Kasich’s leap from 1% to 9%. That’s a nice jump … into fifth place.