Pope Francis, Bill Gates, And Others Lose Twitter Blue Checkmark

The removal of the old blue check system is sort of a hassle, because you don’t immediately know who is important. You have to hover and see their follower count.

It seems to me that there should be an easy solution to make the follower count more obvious. That is the only actual relevance, and in fact, the legacy system had the flaw that totally unimportant journalists with 1,500 followers could get checks because they serve Jews.

The issue is making follower count obvious without making things look too busy. It’s possible that a feature to allow people to change the color of the text of their name when they hit certain follower counts would be an elegant solution.


Glad gay retards are mad.


Twitter on Thursday began removing legacy blue checkmarks from user profiles, with famous people including pop icon Beyonce and Pope Francis losing their verified statuses.

Some personalities such as basketball star LeBron James and author Stephen King still had their checkmarks.

“The Shining” author King, who has previously called Musk a terrible fit for Twitter, tweeted: “My Twitter account says I’ve subscribed to Twitter Blue. I haven’t. My Twitter account says I’ve given a phone number. I haven’t.”

Musk tweeted back to him: “You’re welcome namaste,” with a hands folded emoji.

The Verge reported that James, who has previously said he would not pay for verification, had not paid to keep the check mark.

Musk tweeted separately: “I’m paying for a few personally.” and later tweeted “Just Shatner, LeBron and King,” referring to Star Trek actor William Shatner, who had last month complained about being forced to pay to keep his blue checkmark.

Among those losing their badges were former U.S. president Donald Trump, Microsoft Corp cofounder Bill Gates and reality TV star Kim Kardashian.

That is the most alpha move.

These people are whining about $7.

Elon’s like “nah, it’s cool brah, I got you.”