“Pope” Francis Dissolves Knights of Malta Leadership, Issues New Constitution to Make It More “Democratic”

The alleged pope is a gay Marxist.

Big trouble, long time no good.


Pope Francis launched an overhaul of the Knights of Malta, a global humanitarian group and major Catholic religious order, dissolving its leadership on Saturday. The Pontiff also issued a new constitution of the order and installed a provisional government for it.

The overhaul comes after years of heated debate over the future of the group, officially known as Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and of Malta. Established nearly 1,000 years ago in Jerusalem, once a religious military order, it has evolved into a humanitarian group, active worldwide and running such institutions as clinics and refugee camps.

Announcing the overhaul, the Pope praised the “generous contribution of Members and Volunteers,” of the order, which brings together nearly 100,000 volunteers and more than 50,000 medical staff worldwide. At the same time, he acknowledged the need to “begin a profound spiritual, moral and institutional renewal of the entire Order.”

Democratization of the order is among the main changes for the institution, with the new constitution eliminating the rule for the Grand Master and the top Knights requiring a noble background. The rule had effectively barred any non-Europeans from ever reaching the top ranks in the order.

It will be more democratic. The question of nobility has now become secondary,” the Pope’s special delegate to the order, Cardinal Silvano Tomasi, told reporters at a press briefing. “We hope this will re-establish unity in the order and increase its ability to serve the poor and the sick,” he added.

What is the meaning of this?

So he acts like he’s going to quit, but it’s a fakeout.

He won’t quit because he’s the Jews’ man. I mean, I assume he’s primarily gay, but the Jews get along well with the people of anus.