Pope Francis Tells Young Priests “Gossip is a Women’s Thing” Days After Faggot Controversy


Originally, the hot take was that the Pope said “faggot” in a private meeting and then leaked it on purpose so conservative Catholics (also known as “actual Catholics”) would be less angry about his pro-faggot agenda.

But then he apologizes, and now he’s insulting women.

This could actually just be an out of control senility thing that is going to lead to him being replaced sooner rather than later.

The Guardian:

Pope Francis is alleged to have told a group of young priests that “gossip is a women’s thing”, two days after he apologised for using a homophobic slur.

The remark was allegedly made during a closed-door meeting on Thursday with a group of newly ordained priests in Rome, according to a story published on Il Silere Non Possum, a website dedicated to Vatican news, and then reported by several mainstream Italian newspapers and news agencies.

The pontiff, 87, is reported to have advised the priests against “badmouthing” in parishes and congregations, before allegedly saying: “Gossip is a women’s thing.” He is alleged to have added: “We wear the trousers, we have to say things.”

Women don’t say shit. They just blah, blah, blah.

Pope goes BASED?

Marco Perfetti, the director of Il Silere Non Possum, said the site had audio of the discussion, which he claimed was recorded by more than one participant at the event and backed up by sources. “We have the recording of the pope saying this,” he said.

Frankly, he’s not looking too sharp.

I’m certain that the entire Vatican staff is on calls with the entire Biden staff, like “what are you giving that guy to kill him on point? Because we’re gonna need a lot of it.”