President Trump Tells Americans: “Wear a Mask”

Oh boy.

This is stupid.


President Donald Trump on Tuesday urged Americans to wear a mask to help fight the spread of the coronavirus.

“We’re asking everybody that when you are not able to socially distance, wear a mask, get a mask,” Trump said. “Whether you like the mask or not, they have an impact, they’ll have an effect, and we need everything we can get.”

The president spoke about masks during a press briefing on recent flare-ups of the coronavirus.

This was the president’s strongest endorsement for wearing a mask, despite expressing skepticism for months about their effectiveness at preventing the spread of the virus.

Showing his mask to one reporter, Trump said that he carried it with him and put it on when he was unable to properly socially distance to prevent the spread of the virus.

“I carry the mask … I have the mask right here. I carry it and I will use it gladly. No problem with it,” Trump said. “I’ve said that and I say when you can: use the mask.”

He laid out some facts, which isn’t something the media is reporting.

He says:

  • The median age of death is 78
  • Half of all deaths have been in nursing homes
  • 90% of those hospitalized had underlying medical conditions – heart, diabetes
  • Young adults usually have no symptoms or mild symptoms

Then he says “wear a mask.”

How about people who are 78 and older or have serious medical conditions wear masks, and leave normal, healthy people alone?


President Donald Trump warned Tuesday the coronavirus pandemic in the United States will probably “get worse before it gets better.”

“That’s something I don’t like saying about things, but that’s the way it is, it’s what we have,” he said during a White House briefing on the pandemic. “You look over the world, it’s all over the world.“

Yeah, okay – great.

They want vote by mail, Donald.

If they get that, you lose.

More importantly, we lose. The country loses.

Civilization itself is riding on this election, and this election is riding on people being able to vote.